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(Chris's POV)

I moaned loudly as I had finally came a lot in his mouth. I panted slightly then after a few minutes, looked down at him who had been looking up at me mischievously for a little bit.

He smiled big and bit his lip softly. I smirked pulled him onto the bed and pinned him down on it. He was blushing at this.

I smiled and bent down and kissed his neck roughly. I smiled big hearing his loud moans. I bit the soft spot on his neck and rubbed against him really REALLY hard. I felt him arch his back, then he moaned my name out really loudly.

He panted as I continued to rub against him harshly and bite his neck.

"Chris. I want you now!!!" He said loudly. I stopped biting his neck and rubbing then I whispered teasingly in his ear.

"Beg......" He completely lost it. He grinded on me a little bit and bit his lip then let go of it.

"Chris! If I don't get you soon! I swear I am going to tie you down!" I smirked.

"Tie me down hmm? Too bad that's not going to happen...." I chuckled and entered him roughly.

(Ricky's POV)

I arched my back slightly as he had entered me roughly. He had started to kiss my neck roughly again.

I gasped and moaned out in pleasure. I felt him beginning to thrust. And I tilted my head back and moaned loudly. He went harder and faster.

I bit my lip slightly as he continued. Suddenly, he had stopped thrusting, but finally bit my neck harshly. I bit my lip hard and started pouting as he didn't continue to thrust in me. I got to the point where I had gotten frustrated.

So, I had moved just enough to where he was deeper inside me. He moaned softly and smirked. It was like, he wanted me to do that. He then began thrusting again, more roughly and deep this time.

Soon finally, he began going deeper inside me. Oh god it felt so good. I moved with every one of his thrusts. He was moaning a lot.

After a second, he had thrusted into me once extremely hard, deep, and fast, hitting my prostate. I arched my back as well as tilting my head back and screamed out in pleasure.

He held it for a little bit before going even deeper. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and kept moaning and screaming.

He had been moaning a lot as well but, I could barely hear him over me. He had pulled back a little bit before sliding as deep as possible into me.

I screamed really loudly, then teared up slightly. Chris thrusted a little and had hit my prostate really hard to where I started to feel tears stream down my cheeks. Chris had seen this and pulled out of me and looked at me slightly worried.

"Babe?! Am I hurting you" I didn't realize I had began crying. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was starting to get really scared and worried. I bit my lip harshly. Why do I have to be such a baby....

"N-no... You're n-" I stopped myself, and felt the pain the pleasure was hiding. I was now hurting so bad. Chris was still looking at me worriedly. I finally gave up and told him. "Y-you were..... H-hurting me a little bit....." Pfft! A little bit! Fuck that. It hurts a lot!!!! God I'm such a wimp. He sighed and hugged me gently.

"Baby... I'm so sorry...." I hugged him back weakly. "Let's just go ahead and stop.... And rest....." I didn't really like this idea... But... I knew that he only wants me to not be hurting.

(Chris's POV)

I looked at him. He just simply nodded and I laid down next to him, covering us up with the blankets and wrapping my arms tightly around him.

Hearing him squeak, I loosened me grip on him. He finally scooted close to me and turned to where he was facing me. I smiled slightly and cuddled with him. Him cuddling me back. I kissed his head and closed my eyes falling asleep instantly. Him, doing the same.

A Life Worth Living(A Ricky and Chris Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now