Abused And Half Dead

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Abused, And Half Dead

(Balz POV)

I yawned after our sound check. Then noticed something was different. Chris wasn't wanting to do too much.

"Chris you alright?" He nodded then said.

"I'm just tired... I think I might as well and head back to the hotel." I replied

"Alright later Chris." He walked away then 15 minutes later Ricky came back and asked where Chris went.

"He went back to the hotel which I think we all should do actually." He nodded and was out the door before we even said anything. We all followed him and he was some distance from us we can see him but he was like a small ant.

(Ricky's POV)

I walked quite some ways ahead of the boys. I sighed and looked down then widened my eyes when someone covered up my mouth and dragged me into the ally. I recongnized who it was immediately and I felt the tears rushing up to my eyes.

One of the guys tried to take my shirt off but I hissed and kicked him hard in the abdomen then I glared at him feeling very pissed off and angry.

I soon was about to cry when one of the other guys had pulled my hair making me stand up slightly and snapped at me saying.

"Listen hear you little punk! You're going to obey or else!" I looked at him, still holding my hair where he was pulling and I was feeling extremely terrified and tears fell down my cheeks as I kicked him in the groin and he dropped me then I hid in the corner of the ally crying slightly.

I stood up and shook my head prepared to fight back and I stopped crying then as one of the guys come up to me I punch them right in the nose and smiles slightly.

"Heh..." I screamed in pain as a glass bottle is hit against the back of my head then everything goes blurred as I fall to the ground bleeding and hearing them run away and hearing Ryan, Balz, Angelo, and Ghost scream my name then run over to me and Balz was holding my head up yelling out my name. But I could barely hear him. Why?


D: I feel messed up now. Poor Ricky. Those dick bags. Anyways... Going to update soon! Hope your enjoying it!

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