Something Impossible, Now Possible

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Something Impossible, Now Possible

(Ricky's POV)

~About A Month Later After The Wedding And On Tour~

I groaned and had gotten up and vomited into the toilet. I felt Chris, holding my hair back and rubbing my back, telling me.

"Breathe babe...." I took deep breaths and didn't feel as bad anymore. I looked at Chris and smiled slightly. He bit his lip softly.

"Maybe we should take you to a doctor and find out what's wrong with you. Because you threw up 6 times today.... I'm starting to worry Rick.." I simply nodded and hugged him. We had soon gotten up and walked to the living area.

"Hey guys. We'll be right back." Chris said.

"Where you guys going?????" Everyone stood up and looked at us.

"I'm just taking little sick Rick to the doctors."

"Mkay." They all nodded and sat down.

(Chris's POV)

I walked off the bus, holding Ricky close. Then we walked to the hospital, luckily it was only a 2minute walk, and I checked him in. We both sat down.

"Do you have any clue why your stomach is being like this?" He looked at me, thought for a second, and shook his head 'no'. I sighed then stood up as the nurse called Ricky. We both followed her quickly and had gotten to a room. A doctor soon had came in and said.

"Okay, so Mr. Olson, what seems to be the problem?" He looked at him.

"Well... My stomach has been feeling very 'eh' lately.... I've been puking my guts out, literally for the past month..." He looked at the doctor and the doctor had then asked.

"Well Mr. Olson, I'm going to ask you a few questions is that okay with you?"

(Ricky's POV)

I nodded as he asked me if it was alright with him asking me a few questions. I gave him my full attention and the doctor had said looking down at his clip board.

"Mr. Olson, have you had any sexual intercourse with any male in the past month?" I bit my lip very softly and nodded. He wrote down my answer, then asked me another question.

"Would you mind if I take a little blood samples?" I bit my lip harshly then thought


I nodded slightly and the doctor drew some blood and left. After he did so I felt a little bit queasy. It soon had passed and the doctor had came back in.

"Well, some surprising news Mr. Olson." I looked at him curiously then said.

"And that news would be????"

"Apparently when you were born, you had been born with both, male and female reproductive systems and it is quite rare for men to have them both." I stared at him, I had so many questions like 'How is that possible for me, to have both female AND male reproductive parts?' I thought to myself,

'Great.... Apparently I'm half chick..... Dickbag of parents on telling me'

"And." The doctor continued. "Your female reproductive parts worked and well." He smiled big at me. "You are now pregnant Mr. Olson." I stared at him in complete shock, so did Chris. I thought to myself,


After we had left the hospital Chris had soon said something.

"We have to tell the boys." I nodded shaking slightly. Then we entered the bus. Chris announced,

"Good yet strange news everyone!" Everyone huddled up around each other. Except me, who was standing and felt awkward as everyone stared at me. I took a deep breath then said....


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