Forgiven Or Unforgiven?

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Forgiven Or Unforgiven?

(Ricky's POV)

I hung up the phone telling Balz me and Ghost would be there soon. Ghost shared a car with Balz so we went ahead and got in mine. But instead of me driving, it was Ghost. I pulled my knees to my chest and sighed.

"You alright?" I simply nodded then a few minutes later we had arrived at Chris's place. I bit my lip harshly to find out that Miranda's car was still here.

I was really hoping she would've left already, but, apparently not all wishes come true. Me and Ghost had gotten out the car and went to the front door. Balz was waiting there for us. And when we had gotten closer, I saw Chris.

I was tempted to go run up to him and hug him but, something was telling me I shouldn't. So I just stayed where I was with Ghost and Balz.

(Chris's POV)

I was as tempted as ever to go up and hug Ricky. But, I really don't think he wants to hug me right now. I bit my lip. Then out of the blue, Miranda rushed out the house and got into her car.

The look on her face was the one meaning she never wants to be around me again. Thank god! She then drove off. I looked at Ricky, who had the funniest look ever on his face. He had looked to be happy that Miranda was gone.

He looked at Balz and Ghost. They simply nodded then had got in their car and left. I bit my lip harshly then Ricky grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to my room. I was wondering what was going on.

He looked back at me several times then we got to my room finally and he shut the door behind us and locked it. Still very curious, I looked at him. He was still facing the door and resting his head and hands on it. He then turned around and walked towards me slowly his head down.

"Ricky?" I asked him cautiously.


Sorry for the short chapter. I just don't wanna give out the next scene in this chapter so yeah. Comment what you think so far ^.^ don't forget to also give me advise on how to make my story better.


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