A Surprising Text

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A Surprising Text

(Chris's POV)

So now, from this day forward... I'm engaged to the amazing Ricky Horror. I literally was scared for nothing. He said 'yes'.

But... That kiss... Was something different. My my.... I just love him so much. I opened my eyes and smiled still having my arms around his waist and his around my neck.

"Baby.... I love you so much." He smiled and replied.

"I love you so much more..." I smirked.

"Not possible. Not one bit my love."

"Oh yeah? Prove it." I smiled big at these words. And I had soon pinned him down, gently, on the ground and had soon started to kiss his neck. I smiled really big hearing him moan in pleasure. Putting my hands.

Softly on his waist, I bit the soft spot on his neck. I felt him arch his back, then lean his head back and moan loudly.

"B-babe......" He said slightly out of breath. I stopped biting his neck and looked at him.

"What is it?" I asked him cautiously.

"N-not out here.... W-what if a fan catches us...." I had almost completely forgot. We haven't came out and told our fans.

I bit my lip then stood up offering a hand to him. He gladly took my hand and stood up.

(Ricky's POV)

I felt kinda regretful for forcing Chris to stop kissing my neck but, we haven't came out to the fans yet. So if someone caught us, a lot things would go down.

Especially with Jess. My ex. I just didn't want to cause any problems between her, the band, chris, and worst of all... Me. I looked at Chris and smiled. He then picked me up and carried me to the car.

"I love you." He smiled and replied quickly.

"I love you too." I smiled warmly. He then put me on my side and closed the door before going to his side, getting in, and starting the car.

~10 Minutes Of Driving~

(Still Ricky's POV)

I got out of the car as soon as we had gotten back home. Looking over at Chris, who had a big smile on his face, took my hand, brought me close to him, {To where our bodies were touching}, and had kissed me roughly.

I lightly blushed and jumped up slightly, tightly wrapping my legs around his waist kissing him back really hard. He held me up carefully. Then I blushed slightly darker when he had licked my bottom lip, begging for entrance. Which I gladly gave him. Our tongues seemed to be dancing with each other in a way. I smiled at this and continued to kiss him. He smirked and tightly wrapped his tongue around mine.

I moaned softly as he did so. After about what seemed forever, he pulled away slowly, resting his forehead against mine gently. After about 2 minutes later, I heard his phone go off. He put me down then looked at his phone. By the look he was giving, I knew something was wrong...

A Life Worth Living(A Ricky and Chris Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now