A Night Of Fun Awaits

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A Night Of Fun Awaits

(Ricky's POV)

"So Ghost and Balz heh?" I smiled "That's cute." I could see the relief in Balz and Ghost's eyes. Looking at Chris, Angelo then said,

"I think we should all relax while we can." Balz and Ghost looked at each other and smiled widely. I felt completely grossed out then buried my face once again in Chris's chest. It was like I could hear his smirk. I soon realized that everyone had seperated and me and Chris were alone in the hallway. He smiled and went to our room.

He set me down on the bed. And his phone rang. I shot a glance at him and he picked up his phone sighed then hung up. "I have to go downstairs real the fuck quick because of something Balz did.... You wanna come?" I remembered of how i was feeling so god damn turned on. Trying to find my words. I finally gave up and shook my head no.

"Alright. I'll be back soon. Hopefully.." I could hear him sigh and mutter under his breath. "I really don't like not being in the same room as you... it makes me feel insecure.."

I then realized from those words, Chris really does care oh so much about me. I smiled slightly then heard the door close slowly. I felt completely guilty letting him go without me... but then again... it was either that or taking care of my 'dirty needs'.

Sighing I then realized my hand was creeping to my pants. I shook my head no and moved my hand away then crossed my legs tightly biting my lip.

"GOD! Chris I hope you get back soon! I can't handle myself anymore....!"

(Chris's POV)

I rushed down there and quickly took care of what was needed to be resolved then I went back to Ricky whispering to myself on what incrediablly dirty things I want to do to Ricky. I blushed as

I felt my pants get slightly tighter. Was I really getting hard over thinking of what I'm wishing for? Shaking my head I got back to our room and I slightly laughed when I saw Ricky. Crossed legs, closed eyes, biting his lip, and slightly trembling. Then, smiling big, I crept up behind him.

Without a word, I quickly covered his mouth and wrapped one arm around him. I smirked hearing him squeal against my hand.

"God you scared me to fucking hell Chris!" He said as I uncovered his mouth.

"Miss me....." I whispered in his ear then nipped at it a few times. As soon as that he flipped the switch. He was now laying on the bed his eyes shut and me on top of him.

"Babe? Open your eyes please?" I was slightly worried, but then I smiled mischeivously when I saw lust clouding his eyes completely. I smirked sheepishly yet widely at this once again after a second.

"Chris......" I looked at him still smiling. And he pulled me close then I blushed as his lips lightly touched my ear as he whispered dirty things to me.

In that instant my pants had gotten seriously tight. I was trying to make it to where it wasn't noticable but I had failed. Ricky noticed the bulge. I swore to god I could hear his smirk. I moaned softly when I felt his delicate hand slowly undoing my belt then pulling at my shirt.

"Babe....... You're really excited about something now aren't you?" I blushed sliding my shirt off then taking his off, as well as his pants. "Heh...." He smirked slightly then gasped and moaned when I kissed his neck roughly.


{PART 4! Hope you'll wait for me to continue my next one. ^_^ I put a lot of thought into these so yeah ha. Comment what you think below ^_^}


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