Utterly Shocked

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Utterly Shocked

(Ricky's POV)

I took a deep breath then said,

"I have 3 things to say....." Everyone just stared at me, then Ghost said,

"You're not dying are you?" I shook my head and spoke.

"For 1, I apparently have been born with well both male and female reproductive systems......" Ghost stared at me awkwardly. I then continued.

"Those female parts in me, had worked which is seriously rare......" Balz had the look of awkwardness on his face. Then finally,

"And now....... I'm pregnant." Balz jumped up and squealed, hugging me.

"EEEK! YAY!!!!!!!" He seemed more excited then me at this point. I looked at everyone else and laughed, as they all stared at me with their mouths gaped open.

"So... Chris is the father? Correct?" Ghost said. Chris looked at him and nodded. Balz was jumping up and down squealing, still, and clapping his hands fast. Ryan then spoke.

"Awh. How cute. A little baby Ricky and Chris, will be joining us soon into the world." What the hell was wrong with him when he said that?

It kinda creeped me out then, I realized he was right. Me and Chris created a child of our own flesh and blood together. I was now seriously happy and proud. So was Chris. Definitely Balz.

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