The Act Is Over

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The Act Is Over

(Balz POV)
"RICKY! GOD DAMNIT ANSWER ME!!!!!" I looked at Ghost in tears who had just finished calling the ambulance.

"Well that was quick.." Ghost said as the ambulance pulls up and takes Ricky up on the stretcher and into the ambulance along with us. Angelo then texts Chris telling him to meet up at the hospital.

~Time skip~

I sit there in the waiting room crying and looking down shaking then I feel Ghost's hand softly touch my back

"Babe.... please try to calm down." I looked at him trembling.

"H-ho-how can I?" He bit his lip and pulled me close.

"I-i don't know...." Trembling still, I buried my face in his chest.

(Chris's POV)

Quickly, gets to the hospital and rushes in then finds the others in the waiting area. I scan the room looking for Ricky then I shoot a look at Angelo

"Where is he!??" I demanded an answer.

"He's why we texted you..." Looks at him on the verge of tears.

"Y-you're serious....?" He snapped slightly

"Yeah! Like I'm making crap like that up?!" Narrows my eyes

"Angelo!" Ghost snaps glaring at him. "You just can't snap like that in a time like this. You would understand why if only you would care about someone like hell!" Ryan, Balz, and I looked at Ghost in complete shock.

"Whatever..." Angelo said looking down.

~3 1/2 days later~

(Still Chris's POV)

Sighs and holds Ricky's hand tightly staying right next to his bed slightly crying.

"Chris...." Looks at Balz in tears

"What Balz?!" He looks at me in slight fear. I bit my lip then looks at him.

"Balz I-"

"Save it...."

"Balz!" Before I could say that really he had left. Ghost following him close behind. Ryan sighs then stands up. And looks me over.

"'ve been here for 3 haven't eaten or even left his side not even for one second... come on... you need to eat something before you end up starving yourself..."


"But nothing...come on.. I'll watch him...okay? I'll keep you posted on how he's doing alright." I nodded and kissed Ricky's hand before letting it go and walking out

(Ryan's POV)

Sighs and watches Chris leave then sits in the chair next to Ricky's bed. I then yawned.

"I hope he actually eats...." After about 20 minutes or so Chris comes back.

"Never again..." He sighed in relief.

"By guessing you did eat." I stood up and smiled.

"See I told you nothing would go wrong" He smiled slightly

"I guess your right...." Chris said slightly depressed. I looked at him.

"Chris.... He's going to be alright... I promise..." He looked at me, then said softly.

"O-okay...." I then left the room.

"I'll see you later..."

"Alright bye Ryan..." He said before I left.

Using my phone so yeah.... I apologize for errors... Anyways. Finishing up the next chapter. Cya soon!

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