A Time Never To Forget

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A Time Never To Forget

(Ricky's POV)

"Heh...." I smirked slightly then my thoughts started resolving around that I felt lust and other sexual urges. I didn't care anymore. Fixing my focus back on Chris I gasped then moaned softly as I felt his soft and gentle lips kiss my neck harshly.

I felt his hands on my hips. I smiled brightly as he kept kissing my neck. All of this just made me want him more and more. I could feel myself and him getting hard from this. So finally deciding, I pulled at Chris's boxers.

He obeyed my wish sat up breaking his lips away from my neck. I watched him and bit my lip. He chuckled and slid his boxers off and I was blushing insanely dark seeing just how hard he was. I knew where this was going and I really didn't mind this at all. Feeling his soft large like hands pull off my boxers, I blushed darker

"Heh......." He smirked and then somewhat kindly demanded me on my hands and knees. I obeyed these orders and heard him mutter under his breath.

"What a good little boy....." I rolled my eyes then looked down closing them. Immediately I wipped my head back moaning loudly from pleasure when he entered me hard deep, and fast.

I gasped quietly as my walls were stretched. I kept clenching and unclenching around him until I deemed myself ready. I nodded for him to move.

First he went sweet and gentle as well as slow. I moaned softly at this.

He smiled and leaned down kissing my neck thrusting hard and fast. I moaned louder and blushed darkly when I felt one of his hands grap my cock and started stroking it. Taken by surprise I moaned loudly and panted slightly.

(Chris's POV)

I smiled big hearing his moans and kept stroking him then stops as I pull almost all the way out leaving only my tip in. I heard him pouting then I smirked and moaned as I had slammed into him hard deep, and fast. Hitting his prostate.

"AH!~" He moaned then managed to say, "OH CHRIS!!!! HARDER!! HAH~" He had looked down panting and moaning loudly as I kept thrusting hiting his prostate every time really hard and fast.

I knew we were both reaching our climaxes... So I had began thrusting harder, faster and deeper than before hitting his prostate more roughly.

(Ricky's POV)

I had squeezed my eyes shut knowing I was on the verge of tears and breaking down, crying like a baby. It hurt so much but the pleasure was helping take it away. Chris had put his hands aggressively on my waist and then made me move along with his thrusts.

I was nearly at my breaking point but then I gasped loudly as we both reached our climaxes and cum a lot. I moaned and blushed darkly, feeling a bit sore. He pulled out of me then collapsed in the spot next to me.

I had plopped down face first into the pillow breathing heavy. I jumped slightly when I felt Chris's arms wrap around me then him covering us up.

"I love you so fucking much Ricky." He said slightly outta breath.

"I love you more Chris..."


{Comment what you think below and what do you think will happen next.}


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