48 Hours Until I'm Yours Forever

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48 Hours Until I'm Yours Forever

(Ricky's POV)

I was jumping up and down because I was really excited that I'll be officially married to Chris in 2 days. {48 hours} Chris hugged me from behind.

"Excited?" I nodded quickly. He chuckled.

"We have 1 concert, and that's tonight. Care to come out and tell our fans? Ghost and Balz already did." I thought for a second then finally answered.

"We should." He smirked and kissed my neck softly and gently. I moved my head a little bit giving him more room. He smiled, bit my neck, then stopped kissing it and rested his head lightly on my shoulder.

"A whole 48 hours.... I can't wait that long babe."

"Nor can I Chris." He smiled big then kissed my cheek an went to the bathroom. I went and laid on in my bunk waiting for Chris to come out.

(Chris's POV)

After going to the bathroom I came out and laid face down on the couch. Then outta no where Ricky had sat on my back and rested his head against my back after a minute.

"I love you...." He said softly.

"I love you too babe." He smiled and just stayed where he was at.

(Balz's POV)

~Outside the bus~

"Jessica you shouldn't really go on the bus right now." I said to her. She replied awkwardly.

"Why?! What are you hiding from me!" I bit my lip then Ghost came over to us.

"What's going on?"

"She's trying to get on the bus and hang out with us." Ghost had just came off the bus too. He knew that Ricky and Chris were laying together on the couch. I bit my lip hard.

"You really shouldn't get on right now.... It's like a train wreck in there." Ghost said. And Jessica replied immediately.

"Like I care if it's messy or not" She pushed passed us and entered the bus. We went behind her quickly.

"Wait Jess!" We were to late. She had seen what we were hiding and she gasped loudly and looked at the couch where Chris and Ricky, were making out at. She stormed off the bus angrily. Ricky had stopped kissing Chris and looked at me and Ghost.

"Wh-" he bit his lip.

(Ryan & Angelo's POV)

{Ryan ~R}

{Angelo ~A}

I came out of my bunk and looked at what was going on. "Was that Jessica?" ~A

"I would believe so...." ~R

I looked at Ryan, then to the others. "Looks like some dramas about to go down..... Just great....." ~A

Looks at Angelo. "Well isn't that jus perfect...." ~R

Ricky and Chris shoot a glare at Balz and Ghost. They both bit their lip harshly. Ricky then said. "I thought we all agreed to keep Jessica away from knowing....." Balz looked down then said. "I'm sorry........" "Couldn't keep her back really...." Ghost said looking down as well. "It's okay you guys... Really. We've decided that we are going to tell the fans tonight." The look on Balz and Ghost's face was absolutely hilarious. They were relieved yet so happy.

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