The Big Day

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The Big Day

(Ricky's POV)

I waited in the other room pacing around like a mad man. Chris was already at the end of the aisle. I'm so scared. Yet very excited.

"You okay?" Angelo said chuckling slightly.

"Just nervous."

"Don't be" I smiled. Then Ghost came in.

"It's time" I jumped up and down before Angelo had took my arm and went to the door.

"Calm down Sir Jumps A Lot" I chuckled then looked at the door.

"After this... My life changes forever." I smiled big. So did Angelo.

"Whose taking whose last name?"

"Me and him agreed he's taking mine" Angelo smiled big.

"Chris Olson. How cute" I looked at him and smiled.

"Whelp. Let's do this." I nodded and walked out with him all the way to Chris, smiling big the entire time.

(Chris's POV)

Right as soon as the doors had opened, I smiled huge when I saw Ricky. He just looked absolutely stunning. As soon as he had gotten up to me, I gently took his hands and he stood in front of me holding my hands tightly.

I chuckled quietly and mouthed.

'Nervous?' He nodded. I smiled and whispered.

"Absolutely stunning my love." He blushed lightly.

"You as well." I smiled then when told, I said my vows proudly. Ricky smiled at me in aw the entire time that I did. He then said his when told to. We both had said

'I do.' Then after a few minutes of the rings, then the priest finishing what he was directed to say, he finally had said you may kiss the 'groom.'

Me and Ricky both chuckled when he said that, and almost immediately we both crashed our lips together and smiled big.

"You're mine officially, forever now....." I said.

"Heh yeah." He replied cheerfully. Everyone was clapping and smiling at us. I rolled my eyes playfully then Rick had kissed me softly and quickly then looked down blushing.

"Haha how cute. Now come on... Let's go get ready for the reception my sweet." He smiled and nodded. Then I quickly led him inside. I locked the bedroom door (the room we were staying in at Ghost and Balz's place since they lived together a got a bigger house) and crashed my lips roughly against Ricky's. He smiled against my lips and kisses me back harshly, sliding his hands up my shirt.

I moaned softly as he scratched at my chest a few times. I just wanted to be inside him so badly right now. I don't know what I was thinking when I said this.

"Clothes...... off now.... And get to the bed......" Ricky blushed insanely dark and demanded the same thing for me. I smirked and we both quickly started taking our clothes off.

(Ricky's POV)

After we had finished taking off all of our clothing I gripped Chris's shoulders and pulled him back to the bed laying down, with him on top of me.

"Fuck me right now. Hard and fast!" I blushed at what I just said. He smirked and kissed me harshly and thrusted into me deeply and harshly as well as fast.

I kissed him back roughly and licked his bottom lip, begging for an entrance. He gladly gave me it, but wrapped his tongue tightly around mine. He began to trust really hard and fast.

I moaned loudly against his lips, then began moving with his thrusts. He moaned against my lips then placed his hands on my waist. I blushed lightly and began to beg for more.

Chris was kinda shocked I was doing this, but he obeyed my wishes, slamming into my prostate extremely hard and fast. I pulled back from kissing him just only to arch my back as well as tilt my head back.

He kissed my neck down to my collarbone, then started to suck on it, thrusting harder, deeper, an faster. I screamed out in pleasure as he continued to thrust.

Then, he had thrusted once really deep into me. I remember what had happened last time but, this time, I had absolutely no pain. He went more deep. I moaned his name loudly.

He smirked and kissed my neck biting the soft spot on it before going as deep as last time when I was in dramatic pain. I just moaned his name more. He smiled and went as deep as he could before came a lot in me.

I moaned loudly, panting slightly, arching my back, tilted head back, and full of his warm cum. He breathes heavily and pulled out of me. I looked at him and smiled.

The party is after this soooo yeah .-. Meh sorry I've been busy and had no time to write.

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