A Gloomy Day Is Now A Bright One

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A Gloomy Day, Is Now A Bright One

After a few weeks the boys get a text from Ricky and are told to meet up in the exact same alleyway that he had gotten attacked.

(Ricky's POV)

I stood over the dried puddle of blood and bit my lip remembering the horrid scene as if it had happened just now. I shook my head then looked up finding the boys standing there looking at me gloomily.

"What is it Ricky...." Balz said looking down tightly holding Ghost's hand.

"Balz...." He looked at me and a smile crept upon his face. Then he said.

"Y-you remember me?" I nodded

"I remember everything..." I looked at Ghost.

"I remember Ghost." He smiled.

"Angelo." I said looking at him as he smiled big.

"Ryan." He had already knew I remembered him and smiled brightly. I looked at Chris who wasn't really paying any mind to what I just said. I walked over to him.

"And my Chris......" He looked at me in shock then hugged me tightly. I hugged him back in tears. Feeling his tears fall against my back I cried worse.

"Ricky I missed you so god damn much!" He said with his voice spiking. I replied my voice spiking as well as his.

"I missed you too!" He then cupped my cheeks and clashed his lips against mine roughly. I blushed slightly, as usual..., and kissed him back. Our lips moving in sync. I heard Balz and the others talking.

"Can you tell they missed each other?" Balz said clinging to Ghost and he nodded. The others agreed.

(Chris's POV)

It felt so good feeling Ricky's lips against mine again. I smiled and had stopped cupping his cheeks then put my hands on his waist. He smirked slightly an he had put his arms loosely around my neck then continued to kiss me.

I soon then pulled away slowly then rested my forehead against his with a huge smile on my face.

"Someone missed me..." He said softly then I moved my head to where my lips lightly touched his ear. He jumped slightly at my touch.

A Life Worth Living(A Ricky and Chris Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now