"You Are Mine, Nobody Else's"

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"You Are Mine, Nobody Else's"

(Ricky's POV)

I turned around from the door and had started walking slowly over to Chris, my head down and biting my lip.

"Ricky?" He asked my concerned and cautiously. I glanced at him once before grabbing his shirt and crashing m lips roughly against his. He blushed then kissed me back hard.

Our lips were now moving within sync with each other. I lightly nipped at his bottom lip then licked it, begging for entrance. He moaned softly and gave my that wish and opened his mouth slightly with a moan. As soon as I got that chance, I slipped my tongue into his mouth and explored every little inch of his mouth.

He moaned louder and wrapped his tongue around mine. After a minute or two we pulled away panting and a little bit of saliva dripping down from our mouths. We wiped it off.

Then I bit my lip and pushed him onto the bed. He smirked and growled playfully at me. I smirked as well and climbed on top of him.

(Chris's POV)

Ricky had pushed me onto the bed roughly and this just caused me to growl playfully and smirk. He then smirked at me back and got on top of me. I bit my lip softly and looked into his soft colored eyes. Ricky then said,

"Your mine, nobody else's" I smiled big and nodded.

"Same goes for you Rick." He smiles and kissed my neck roughly. I blushed and moaned softly as he did so.

I felt him tug at the bottom of my shirt. I slipped it off quickly and pulled his shirt off as well as his pants. He smirked and kissed my neck again then down to my collarbone.

I blushed darkly and moaned as he continued to kiss down my chest all the way to my stomach. I was blushing darkly as he went lower. Then he had looked up at me and smiled mischievously. Without a doubt I was starting to get really hard from all of this. He knew that I was by the look I was giving.

He chuckled and pulled off my pants without looking. I was blushing seriously dark when he started to pull off my boxers. I bit my lip harshly and looked up at the ceiling.

(Ricky's POV)

I chuckled seeing the look on his face. By that look, I knew he was hard from what I was doing. I then pulled off his pants not giving a single look while doing it. I was just staring up at him mischievously. He was starting to blush darker when I gently began to pull off his boxers.

As soon as I had got them off he had looked up at the ceiling blushing insanely dark. I had gotten on my knees and licked up and down his shaft looking up at him smiling devilishly. He moaned loudly and blushed insanely darker. I think took his tip into my mouth and started to suck on it. Chris moaned louder and louder.

After a little bit I decided to start deep throating him. I took half of his length into my mouth and started sucking hard on it. He moaned even louder. Then finally I started to really deep throat him. I gagged a little bit at times because of his tip hitting the back of my throat. After a little while longer he had moaned a certain way. Which let me know that he was about to cum.

I began sucking harder, as Chris's moans got louder and louder, he had soon cummed a lot in my mouth and I swallowed every last little drop then took his length out of my mouth then looked up at him mischievously again.

Hey guys! It's Zach & Ayano's friend here! (The two owners and authors of this account/book) I went ahead and took over this chapter while they are gone. I have full permission to. And I'm going to be writing the next three chapters. Anyway leave a comment below on what you think so far ^.^.

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