A Shocking Surprise

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A Shocking Surprise

(Balz POV)

Me and Angelo have been waiting for an hour for those two too get back.

"Ughhh! Where are they! I sure as hell hope those two decided to hear both sides and go out....." I said eagerly.

"Be patient love.. Its quite funny.... Me and Ryan were exactly how you are about you and Ghost." Angelo said with a laugh

"Oh hush....." I rolled my eyes and started pacing around in a circle. Angelo simply laughed at me and shut up when I shot a angry glare at him.

I looked up coming to find Ricky and Chris were coming. But something was different, was that Chris was carrying Ricky. As if they had just gotten married. I looked at them tilting my head to the side like a dog would. Angelo found this cute and had laughed again.

"Oh Balz... haha. You are just as confused as a puppy who had just lost his owner." I looked at him curiously. Then I shot a look at Ricky and Chris.

"So this means......?" A huge smile crept across my face. Chris chuckled and nodded.

"Yes you impatient little bastard... it means exactly what it looks like." I looked at Ricky and smiled. He smiled back then looked at Chris and he then buried his face into his chest. Angelo and I smiled thinking it was adorable.

But then I squealed loudly as Ghost had hugged me from behind and spun me around in a circle once before putting me down.

(Chris's POV)

I looked down at Ricky and smiled huge then shot a look at Balz and Ghost right when he heard the squeal. Ricky had looked at them as well. I then realized that Ricky didn't know about Ghost and Balz yet. Crap. I was going to tell him but I guess i was too late.

"Uhm?" Ricky had said tilting his head curiously at Balz and Ghost. Ghost noticed this looked at me sternly then back to Ricky and smiled weakly.

"Heh. Surprise?" Balz looked at me as well. THE SAME WAY TOO! God damnit.....


{That's part three for ya. Hope you are enjoying the story so far! Comment what you think below please ^_^}


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