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Show Time

(Chris's POV)

After we had gone onto the stage the fans cheered and screamed loudly. I smiles big from this and started to perform alongside my band mates. After the last song I had looked at Ricky who nodded.

Telling me to go ahead and say it. I nodded back and looked into the crowd then began to speak.

"You all know about Ghost and Balz right?" The crowd started screaming and cheering then went silent slightly waiting for me to finish speaking.

"They aren't the only couple that has to do with the band." The crowd was cheering once again then stopped slightly again.

"Well that other couple is well...... How about I just show you instead." The crowd was screaming before I could even finish. Ricky looked at me and mouthed 'Mother fucker' jokingly. I smiled big and walked towards him.

Thankfully, he no longer had his guitar. So when we had finally got in front of each other, I picked up Ricky and he had tightly wrapped his legs around my waist. I chuckled as he stole the mic from me.

(Ricky's POV)

I spoke into the mic.

"And that couple is me and Chris....." The crowd screamed really loud when I had gave the mic to Angelo as he took it from me and went back stage. I had wrapped my arms around Chris's neck and kissed him roughly. Holding the back of his head slightly.

I smiled as the crowd kept screaming and cheering. Chris kept kissing me back. Then finally we both broke apart and he set me down on my feet. Chris then had the mic again and spoke into it.

"Not only are we dating.... We will soon be officially married in 1 more day....."

He smiled at me and I smiled back. The crowd was still screaming and cheering as we had walked off stage.


Sorry! I couldn't figure out how to do this chapter so yeah. Sorry again!

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