A Four Word Question And A One Word Answer

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A Four Word Question, And A One Word Answer

(Chris's POV)

I could tell that Ricky was starting to get worried and nervous. I bit my lip harshly and looked him in the eye.

"Ricky....." He replied cautiously.

"Yes my love?"

"This question is really important.... I've been needing to ask you..." I bit my lip harder.

"You can ask me anything Chris. Just tell me."

I took another deep breath, then got a small sized box out of my pocket and had gone done on one knee. I opened the box revealing a ring. I looked up at Ricky who had already started crying. I smiled slightly then said softly to him.

"Richard Allen Olson III......will you do me the honor, by making me the most happiest man in the world and marry me?" He quickly nodded then cried worse smiling widely.

"YES! A thousand times yes!" I smiled big and slipped the ring onto his finger then stood up and kissed him softly.

(Ricky's POV)

"YES! A thousand times yes!" Chris smiled and put the ring onto my finger then stood up and kissed me softly.

I kissed him back roughly and our lips were now moving in sync. I lightly licked his bottom lip begging for entrance. He granted me that wish and I immediately slipped my tongue in.

Exploring every inch of his mouth before tightly wrapping my tongue around his. I heard him growl playfully and moan. Soon after a little bit, pulled away, a little bit of saliva dripping from my mouth. I smiled and wiped it off.

"I love you so much Chris." He smiled.

"I love you so much more baby." He then rested his forehead against mine and closed his eyes. I bit my lip then started thinking to myself.

'My god! I'm now engaged to the absolute most incredible man in the world! And that kiss! Like nothing before! My lord I loved it so much....'

"Chris....." I said softly as he looked into my eyes.

"Yes baby?" I bit my lip softly and said.

"Promise me nothing bad will happen. And that you'd stay with me, forever. No matter what?" He chuckles and kissed my nose before replying.

"I swear that my love." I smiles and kissed him again softly. Our lips moving in sync.


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