A Date Of Truth

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A Date Of Truth

(Chris's POV)

Whispers in his ear

"Date night....tonight..." I smiled big when he replied

"Alright" I then kissed him softly again and picked him up bridal style then went home, with him in my arms.

~Time Skip~

(Ricky's POV)

I stared in there mirror smiling at myself. Then all of the sudden I squealed loudly when I felt Chris squeeze my ass then walk away. I looked at him.

"What was that for?" He smirked

"Sorry babe. I can't keep my hands off you and THAT ASS!" I giggled and smiled

"Anyways... Are you ready?" He asked calmly. I then nodded and smiled as he took my hand and walked out to the car. I smiled as he opened my door for me.

"Heh thanks love" He smiled and shut the door when I got on and quickly got to his side, got in, then started the car. I smiled big then looked out the window, looking periodically at him and smiling as he drove.

I got out quickly as we get to the beach but then my eyes get covered by Chris. i felt him guiding me towards somewhere. He then pulled out a chair and sat me down uncovering my eyes. I smiled big as I looked around.

"So gorgeous!" He smiled big and put some food on my plate

"Mhmm that's why I chose this place for our date" I giggled and started eating then smiles as he did as well. Chris smiled and finished eating after a bit then I finish soon after him.

"So uhm....babe" I looked at him.


"Can I Ask You Something...?" He asked me nervously and i nodded slightly.

"Of course baby you can." He took a deep breath...

"Ricky...." He gets up and then I get up along with him. I looked at him curiously, waiting for what he has to say.


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