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(Chris's POV)

I had looked at my phone and then had the worst look on my face. Ricky looked at me and said softly. "What is it love????" I bit my lip and looked up at him. "Why don't you take a look....." He gently took my phone and read the message. I bit my lip harder knowing he wasn't going to be to happy.

(Ricky's POV)

I read the text cautiously. It said: 'Chris, please forgive me for what I have done. I truly didn't mean it. So tonight I'm going to go ahead and stop by your house. I can't wait to see you again my love. ^.^ See you then Chris. I love you lots!!!'- I then read who it was from. I was completely unhappy when I had read the name. Of CHRIS'S EX GIRLFRIEND!!! No way in hell am I going to let her get her little hands on him. He's my soon to be husband after all. {Fiancé}. I bit my lip then gave Chris his phone back. He looked at me upsettingly. I ignored his gaze and waited for him to unlock the door. As soon as he did I rushed inside, changed, then locked myself in the bathroom. "Love????" Chris knocked on the door an asked. "Is everything alright?" I bit my lip and replied. "Nothings wrong Chris..." "Are you sure?" "Yes... I'm sure" I felt very guilty and not to happy with myself that I lied to him. I just felt absolutely horrible for that.

(Chris's POV)

I heard the doorbell ring and I got up to answer it. I then was tackled and someone had crashed their lips against mine and made me move my lips in sync with theirs. I was hating myself and worried that Ricky would come down and see what was going on then take it the wrong way. I tried getting the random person off me but I failed. Soon after a little while, I realized that it was my ex! Miranda! Oh crap.... Just then.......


Oh my. Anyways if you guys are wondering who Miranda is, after this scene I will be starting my book about Chris and his Ex. Tell me how I'm doing so far as well!! Updating soon.


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