An Old Friend

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An Old Friend

(Chris's POV)

I smiled, breathing slightly heavy and laid down next to him.

"We could either take a shower now and get ready early before the reception or take a short nap for an hour then get ready."

"Let's take a shower and get ready" I smiled.

"Mkay" I then got up and skipped to the bathroom that was in our room. Ricky had gotten up after a few minutes, after I started the shower, and closed the door behind him locking it as well.

I smiled then got in, him following after me. I pulled him close and kissed him softly then smiled saying.

"I love you baby." He kissed me back then said.

"I love you too m love."


"And" Ricky said softly.

"Always." I smiled brightly as we both said 'always' at the same time.

He simply smiled back cheerfully then pecked me on the lips gently and had started cleaning himself. I smiles big then kissed his head before turning around. He turned and looked at me raising an eyebrow.

"Uhm?" I chuckle quietly then he tuned again facing away from me and continued to clean himself. I turned around then kissed his cheeks, and yet again, I turned around again. Ricky turning around once again looking at me strangely.

"Are you okay there Chris?" He asked me. I nodded quickly, as he shrugged and continued again.

(Ricky's POV)

I thought to myself

'Next time I'm going to catch him before he does anything and kiss him.'

This right here was my goal. After a few seconds I felt Chris about to kiss my head again, I turned just in time to kiss him softly. He smirked slightly and kisses me back putting his hands on my waist.

I then, loosely, wrapped my arms around his neck. After a few seconds we pulled away from the kiss, smiled, then finished washing ourselves, and got out.

"I now get to spend the rest of my life with you my love.." I said as I started getting dressed.

"Yep and I get to do the same with you baby" He smirked. I squealed really loudly when he had squeezed my ass really hard.

"You just love touching my ass and hearing me squeal don't you" Chris chuckled and had nodded playfully.

~At the reception~

(Balz's POV)

"Where are theeyyyyyyy!!!"

I pouted and Ghost wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me.

"Be patient.... Please babe...." I smiled sheepishly then blushed lightly as he kissed my cheek softly before resting his head on my shoulder.

(Ricky's POV)

We finally finished getting ready and started to head downstairs to the others. I heard a familiar voice say something.

"Hey aye! Theirs the little one of mine."

Little one.... Who used to....

I gasped when the one person had called me 'little one' had came into my vision. It was my absolute best friend ever. It was the one and only, Ashley Purdy. We've known each other since we were about 8.

I quickly ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"Your welcome you little shit" A random voice said. It wasn't a boys though. Could it be? No no Jes- I turned my head only to find out, it was Jessica. Wait... I thought she hated me. But then again... She brought my long distant friend.

"Jess? You were the one who got Ashy to come?" She simply nodded. I was shocked so was everyone else.

~After the party (sorry to lazy to write during the party. I will later. Beside sI need your guys opinion on the next chapter. It will be the chapter before the finally one and I either will delete that chapter and create a new one or keep it and continue from there and make a sequel)


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