PART: 25

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Lawrence and Henry are the only two adults here in training. Henry is on Owen's team. Lawrence is on Simon's team. Lawrence is a man that has to be in his thirties, dark skinned, tall, lean, quiet for sure. So is Henry who is a shorter man with brown hair, late twenties, kinda on the chubby side. I barely see them here. It's only some times.

I wonder if they have families at home, or jobs. I assume they do and that's how they get out of training. I'm curious to know what their power is. I want to know everyone's power. I know that so far Landon has invisibility. Chloe: Telekinesis. Cifer: coldness. Me: I know I can shoot out some power thing, I can also cause fires and lift things with my mind. Does that make me a telekinesis-pyro-maniac-energy-shooting power girl?

Chloe said that I would be the first here of multiple powers. I wonder why that is.

After training, I came back into my room and worked on my essay for class. Charles brought me a laptop and the robots brought me a desk and chair. I type away my thoughts, later having to return to the training area for my one on one practice.

Pete and I are getting along better. We act like the little feud that was caused never existed. And I love it. It's so nice to be able to complain to someone about school problems and other issues.

I bumped into Raven and Jack. It's felt like years since I've seen them.

"Long time, no see," Jack said.

"I can say the same," I told, hiding the bitterness I kept covered.

"Rowen, we miss you!" Raven gushed out. Jack pulled her back and whispered something in her ear hesitantly. She pulled away, shaking her head with agitation. "You're not the tough guy you put on. You miss her too and you know it!"

"You assholes did miss me," I smiled. "It's understandable. Who wouldn't?"

Jack rolled his eyes looking bored. "You have to come paint with us Rowen! Please, we've been dying for a new idea and you're full of them!" Raven says.

When she said that, it came to my mind that I haven't thought about painting for so long. It was something that meant the world to me and I completely forgot about it. Joining the OFH is suppose to make me a better person. I've been good. I deserve to get back to my passion even though I may get in trouble for it.

I agreed to the offer and they said they'll meet me down town by the movie shop. I hurry up with the essay, shutting my computer down and head out my door.

The tricky part is on how I'm going to get all the way to there. I could either (1) walk the way into the city and get a taxi from there. (2) use one of the facilities cars and drive myself or (3) use the phone to call Jack and Raven to come and get me. That is a bad idea because I will be questioned why I am staying in the middle of nowhere. Plus, walking all the way there would be too much walking that I'm not prepared to do. I'll go with borrowing a car.

I shut my door lightly. It's about twelve at night. I feel like a teenager again sneaking out of my parent's house. I travel down the hall and up to the corridor. Everything is so quiet here. It's almost scary.

I turn around to make sure no one is watching me. I start to walk faster, then as I turn around Landon stands at the end of the corridor leaning against the glass. I wish it would break so he could land in the training area and I could go.

"Shit," I mutter.

"So, where ya going?" he chirps.

"Out. I'm allowed to do that," I state firmly.

"It wouldn't be to go commit a crime now would it?" he askes with one eyebrow raised.

"Um, no."

"That's funny because painting on un-owned property is illegal. I think the right term to call it is graffiti."

"How do you know that?" I question louder than I should have.

"Next time, don't tell Chloe your "grand scheme" when you're in my proximity," he throws back at me. He must have been eavesdropping when I told Chloe.

"That is none of your buisness. I'm eighteen. I can do whatever the hell I want!"

He comes closer. "I'm only trying to help you. I don't want you getting in trouble, alright."

"God, you're so fucking annoying! Why can't you just leave me the hell alone! I left you alone."

This time I come closer to him. He comes up a foot. "Rowen, you're not going to go out there and ruin all that you have worked for."

I poke his chest angrily. "You don't tell me what to do. Your not my parent!"

"But I'm your trainer, remember? You've made that clear many times. So let me train you to not get in trouble," he says, raising his voice.

I shove him against the wall with force. I keep my hand on his arm, and a small smirk rises on his lips. "That's exactly my point! You have nothing to do with my personal life, so back the fuck off and leave me alone. What are you gonna do to stop me? Are you going to tell on me?"

In turn, he quickly grabs my arm and lightly pushes me against the wall. Our noses are so close together and I find myself holding my breath. His eyes search mine, and for a moment, he glances down at my lips.

"I....I won't tell on you," he says in a quiet tone. "I'm only trying to help you so you don't do something you'll regret."

I can't focus on any words that he's saying because his hand has a firm grip on my hip. I don't want this moment to end. His presence brings me so much comfort, but I can't let him know that.

"You don't need to help me at all," I say, pushing past him. I leave the corridor to get on the elevator. I choose to walk so Landon won't also have to mention I stole one of their fucking cars. I reach the office and open the door. I get out into the open desert, walking fast to blow off my anger.

Who the hell does he think he is? Does he want control over me? He is the most annoying person that I have ever met. What more does he want from me? Even when I don't do anything, we still have conflict. I can't find a happy medium with this guy. I'm eighteen and he's treating me like a kid again.

So what if I get into jail again, it will be a break from that place and somewhere different to stay overnight. I have stayed out of trouble. I haven't gotten put in jail for awhile and I've learned some self control. I deserve this, right?

If we get busted again, I will most likely have to take the blame. When I got caught last time, they didn't bother coming to check on me. I got blamed for the dirty work. It will most likely happen again. I kept my cool and didn't rat them out. I don't know if I could say the same if one of them got caught.

I huff frustratedly into the air and kick at the ground making dirt swirl up around me. I turn myself back around and open the door back up. I walk into the corridor again and pass down the hall. I see Landon at the end of my hall with his hand on the knob of a door. His room is at the very end of the hall.

When he sees me, I smile sarcastically. "Happy?" I say, then slam my door shut. I know for a fact that he is.

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