PART: 36

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We are the only two on the universe. It's just him and I and he's going down. The green fucker tries to break my arm by twisting it around. I read his eyes and kick his legs in. He shoots at me. I flip over and kick him in the face. With a stumble, he yells and sends a dramatic fist coming my way. I shield it off and it bounces his rag doll body back.

I block everything he's giving me and I know he's giving it his all. The fire I created is caught on the walls. Smoke lingers out and surrounds us like a black fog. I shield myself when I get near. The carbon dioxide finds its way into my lungs. The green fucker grows tired. His moves become sloppy and easy for me to intervene. His strength has decreased and my motivation is stronger than his.

I give an excellent kick that shoots him down and makes him slide against the rough glass that had settled on the floor. The fire creaks the walls and little by little does it begin to fall. The green fucker doesn't get up. He tries eagerly but doesn't win.

Coldness flies in and it doesn't cool off the fire burning within me. Outside it starts to snow. The weather changed and I don't know what Henry's purpose for it is.

This is it. This is my time to finish what happened from the start. This man is right before me and he is all mine. No one else is around to see or stop me.

I picture Jon's neck snapping as I sat there helplessly as I witnessed it. Not anymore. I charge and my projection power soars through my body. He covers his face before I make contact. I bawl and am ready for this to end.

I stop my fist in mid air. My nails dig into my palm. I breath like a weight has been put on my back. The green fucker uncovers his face and looks at me quizzically. I let my projection power tone down. He use to be a person. A person who had a life and knew how to love. A person who was tricked into being who he is now.

"I'm not going to kill you!" I say. The smoke rises and it begins to be suffocating.

I've been wanting to kill him forever. But is this who I am? No it's not. And if I knew Jon, he wouldn't want this. He wouldn't want a man to be dead because of what happened. I have to believe in that. I am no monster. I'm a hero. And hero's wouldn't do this out of their own selfishness. Not me anyway. I would be a hypocrite.

I stand up and back away from him. The heat spreads to the whole floor of the building. The green fucker hasn't moved. I see the person that he use to be. A man who had feelings and wasn't like this. Someone who had friends and had another life besides being controlled by a facility.

In an instant, a red flash comes to my body. It hits my side. I shriek. It feels like someone let me dive head first into a volcano and put out their cigarette on my skin. Mortica's hair and eyes are the next thing I see. She tackles me and takes me with her as she pushes me through walls. My head crushes from each blow. We fly out the building. I lose any sense of anything that I had. I feel pressure as I slide against the snow.

Then I feel the cold ice beneath me. I can't move. My body is weak and between the energy I lost from earlier and what I've been fighting has me paralyzed. The hole in my side burns like hell. I feel my blood leave my body and as the minutes go on, the sky gets darker.

Snow falls on my face and in a way it feels heavenly. I must have blacked in and out. I remember seeing Landon come to my side and telling me that I'm okay. I laid with him as he called my name to come back. Death is something you don't think about until it happens to you. My eyes come to a close, then open again. Landon's hand rests on my wound.

Mortica soars to us again. Not only am I dead, but so is Landon. We are about to die together. I thought I was almost gone the last time I closed my eyes. Death doesn't scare me in the least. I've thought about the afterlife. Whether it exists or not.

A green light comes to her. I blink again to see the green fucker tackle Mortica. I am then lifted and I feel my numb body sway in Landon's arms. They crash somewhere behind us. I snap my head back down and linger in through air. I feel weightless being held up like this. I've lost so much blood and the battle isn't over yet.

I black out.

"Page is dead! Page is dead!" someone screams out. The muffled sounds of screams and things breaking is all swirled together to make a hectic sound. I hear the sound of several engines that I make out from blurred vision.

Another black out.

"Get the jets out here now! They aren't that far!"

Black out.

"Where the hell are they?"

"Are they all gone yet?"

I swim in darkness.

"Please don't die on me! Rowen, open your eyes!"

This time I'm blacked out for good.


A bright light is shone above me. It goes away then comes back in my other eye. I blink and Sid's face I focus on. Everything seemed so bright at first. Then it tones down to the soft purple and blue florescent lighting.

"Your eyes are good," she says. "Can you wake up for me so you can talk to me?"

I never thought I would be so happy to wake up in the Recovery Room. The room is safe and it's somewhere I can't get killed. I smell antiseptic and cleaning supplies. I shake my head to get the ants out my skin. It's so easy to fall back asleep but I make myself alert.

"Rise and shine sleepy head," Sid smiles.

I grab at my stomach. A large bandage is closed off around it. "How long have I been out?" I grumble.

"A week. Don't worry, we called your school and said you are very sick," she says.

That was the least of my problems. Pete is going to be pissed at me. A whole week? So much could have happened in a week. I already feel like I jumped ahead in time since I didn't live it.

"I got five others in rooms. Your lucky. You get to have one all to yourself." Sid takes my blood pressure. It squeezes down tight on my arm. "You're also lucky your alive. You wouldn't be if Landon hadn't healed you enough until you got here."

"He's not my knight in shining armor," I say. Of course he would be the goodie-two-shoes and make me feel worse. Like I owe him something because I saved his life. I saved his and he hated me for it.

"Seems like he is," she says. "Update me on how your feeling?"

"I'm not hurting. I'm just tired," I say.

"That's good. You had some internal bleeding and a broken rib. It was a close one because it could have gone through your heart." She takes the velcro off my arm and places it next to the machine. An ivy is in my arm with a clear substance traveling through the tube.

She pats my leg. "Get some more rest. I want you to shut all your worries out and work on getting better."

"But how is everyone doing?" I ask.

"It is all fine," she says cooly. "Now sleep."

She leaves the room. I trust that everything is okay outside of here. She's right. I need to get better so I can handle myself without falling down on the ground. I'm too worn out to worry. Everything I was thinking about fades away. And so I did get more sleep and was out like a light.

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