Luke Imagine

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I hate school. You know what is even worse? Moving to a different school and don't know everyone. And I'm doing that today.
My family had a great fucking idea to move from Florida to Melbourne, Australia. We got here a week ago and it sucks. I know Florida is hot but Melbourne is like a fucking desert and their bugs are big as fuck and creepy. And today, I'm going to Penola High. I hate school. I hate everything about it. The students, the halls, the lockers, the teachers, and especially the food. I hate it. But my parents fucking make me. I just want to drop out is that such a bad fucking thing? I got ready. Doing my winged eyeliner and put foundation and mascara on. Then I put a white shirt and gray Nike jogger with gray and white nike shoes on.
I went downstairs and my younger sister Calista, and my brother, Brandon was at the dining room table eating breakfast.
"Hey Honey, first day of school." My mom said kissing the top of my head while I poured me a glass of orange juice.
"Do I have to go?"
"Yes Y/N. You're not going to drop out. And you have to drive your brother so get the toast out of the toaster and eat that. You should be in hurry!" My mom said.
"Trust me I'm not."
I got the toast and put strawberry jelly on it. I drank my orange juice and ate my toast at my own pace.
"Come on or I will leave without you." I said with my brother grabbing his jacket and head phones and me grabbing the keys."Bye Mother." I said rushing out the door and my brother shutting it.  I just wanted the day to go fast and get over with it. I started the car and drove off to the school.
Luckily I had a GPS and told me where I was going and we would be lost.
///Arriving To The School///
Wow. It was pretty big from the outside. I parked my car and unfastened my seatbelt and my brother did the same.
"Are you ready?" My brother asked.
"I guess. Lets go." I said.

We got in and looked for the office.
"Hello How could I help you?" The old lady asked.
"I need my schedule and so does my brother."
"Brandon and Y/N Y/L/N."
"Alright I'll print them up."
"Here you go and welcome to Penola High! We are glad to have you." She said with a smile giving us our schedules. We walk out of the office and my brother went the other way while went the other way.
(A/N:If you are wondering they are not in the same grade so yeah guess you should know that Brandon is in 11th grade.)
I was walking around, looking for my class, and I heard people talking. I look around the corner and see 2 boys. I kind of just stood listening to what they said then I locked eyes with one of them.
"Have you been listening to our conversation the whole time?" He said to me.
"No! Come your fucking tits I'm looking looking for my class okay." I said then he came over to me. He took my schedule and looked at it.
"Y/N...That's a weird name....Y/N....Y/NNNNN.....Well Y/N we have at art together. My name is Luke." He said.
"I don't give a fuck what class we have together or what your name is I'm just trying to get to my class." I said. Yes I was being rude but I wasn't here to make friends. But he was cute. Had lip ring, brown hair but a little blonde in it. And you couldn't forget about his nose ring and the little dot on his nose.
"Geez, mean one aren't ya? Oh you have Mr. Howard. Have fun. He is boring. Like really boring. Here I'll show you to his classroom." He said taking my hand pulling me over to the classroom.

"I know this is a random question but are you single?"
And I just laughed.
Wait was he being serious.
"Yes I am."
"Good. See you around Y/N. I would like to talk to you cause you're pretty fucking hot." He said with a smirk and me blushing.
"Awe you are so cute when you blush. Oh and nice ass." He said sending me a wink then turned to walk away. I walk in the class and everyone was staring at me.
Good job with not bring attention.
"You must be our new student Y/N, take an open seat anywhere." He said then starts talking about his lesson again. The back seat in the corner wasn't taken so I took that seat.

"Hey I know you can hear me!"
"I guess you like ignore people. I'm Kinsey. Even though I look like a Maddison or an Alison... What's yours?" She said and I didn't answer. She then reached over in my bag and I turned around trying to take her fingers out of it.
"Stop I looking for something calm down." She said pulling out my schedule.
"We have Lunch together. We can walk there after this." She smiled, "And Your name is Y/N....Yeah you look like an Y/N actually." She said.

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