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So it's Gray here and guess what? I got the first updated chapter of Olivia's book! Yeah the one she alms about but won't post it cause she thinks it's not good..WELLL IT ISSSS
Here ya go;)


"I love you too." I whispered back playing with his hair before both of us drifted to sleep.

January 16, 2014

"Look who it is boys." Jai said walking closer to me with his friends making me pick up my feet, walking faster, holding my books to my chest. I don't want to see him right now. It will make my day worse. I'm not in the mood for his shit I just want to get to class is that so much to ask for?

"I know you can fucking hear me." He said running up to me pinning me to the locker making me drop my books and his friends laugh including him, "Are you not happy to see me." Jai said with a devilish smile.

"Jai please stop, you're hurting me." I whimpered turning my head away from him so he doesn't see my watering eyes.

"You act like I care!" He said letting out a little laugh,"Look at me when I talk to you." He said but I didn't respond.
"I SAID LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU!!" Jai said but I still didn't look making him get angry and next thing  you know my head was get slammed off the locker behind me making his grip tighter and my sight even worse. I looked at him and everything was going blurry.

"Babe she is a waste of time. She doesn't even matter." I heard a voice say but I could figure out who it was;Ally Rinehart. Jai's girlfriend. She had curled brown hair, skinny body, and tons of makeup. Basically a real life Barbie Doll. She started to hate me when we went into High School. But Jai changed her. She used to be my best friend. Funny how people can just turn on just like that.

"Yeah. We are going to be late. I would listen to Ally." Luke, Jai's twin brother said. Jai let go of me which was the only thing holding me up and I fell to the ground making them laugh. "Bitch." Luke said kicking me in face making my nose bleed.
Then Jai turned back and looked at me.

"Help...please." I begged to Jai and he just walked off. Which didn't surprise me. Jai helping me. Ha never going to happen. I was fool thinking that he would.
I felt my head spin. Maybe a have a concussion.

I couldn't keep my eyes open. I refused to close them but I became weaker and weaker and had no choice so then everything went dark.
I wake up and get blinded from the bright light above me. When my eyes adjusted to the light I figured out I was in the nurse's office. I looked around for a teacher or adult and saw Mrs. Maze, the nurse.

"You're awake." She said with a warming smile, "You were past out when someone found you. Is everything alright? Is your head okay? Hopefully it is. Or we could have serious problems. What happened to you Kaylee, please tell me." She said in a concerned sweet tone like every other nurse. Why do nurses have to hit you with so many questions?

But I couldn't tell her the truth cause I knew if I did, Ally, Luke, and Jai would be after me not counting their friends and probably Luke and Jai's older brother Beau.

Sorry but I don't feel like getting jumped every day or being embarrassed infront of a crowd of people. Even though it has happened before because of them.

And why is my head so important? I mean I could have something wrong with because of the locker. But the locker hardly did anything. Just every time my head gets hits a little too hard, I pass out. Happens the longest I can remember. The first time it happen my parents went all crazy and thought I lost my memory and kept saying to the doctor I think she lost her memory again. I asked what it meant but my father nor my mom would tell me. But that was way before my mom stopped caring and drank way too much alcohol and my dad was having an affair with his now new wife.

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