I Need Help!!

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Hey guys sorry we haven't been updating but I just need your guys' opinion. So I wrote something and I want it to be a plot of something I'm going let you guys see it. It's like a letter the girl wrote and yeah I love it and I can't believe I wrote it. I think it was so easy for me to do it was because I have been in that situation and was terrible. But I think that is why I want someone to transform it into a story. But here it is please give me your guys' opinion by messaging me what you think and if you use this please tell me thanksss.
Why can't I just get over you? I have tried so hard but I can't. I don't even know why. Do you know how many times I have cried over you? Too many fucking times. And I don't know why. I can't get over you even if I fucking try. No boy can replace you. But now you have someone else and it kills me knowing that I can't have you back. If I would have to see you in person I would just break down and cry. I already do because I know that you're not mine. I think about you 24/7 I missed you and our dumb conversations and little fights. But I guess I can't never get that back. I know that I'm supposed to be happy cause you are with the person you are with but I cant cause that person you are happy with isn't me . I don't know what I did wrong. That day when I said I got help, I thought I was okay but I was just lying to myself. I'm not okay
I still need help
And I still need you. When I saw that picture of you with your new girlfriend I cried for hours and still cry myself over that and that day I did something stupid. I cut myself again. But you wouldn't care. I know you wouldn't and I still love you. I can't stop. I miss you every single day. I never get to talk to you and probably never will get to which fucking sucks. I stillremember when we started to talk and we started to date again. I can never forget about you. Some days I wish I didn't meet you. Why? Well one I wouldn't haven't to worry about you every single hour and cry myself to sleep cause knowing that you don't feel the same makes me just want to jump out of a fucking window. And two is because maybe we would both be better off. I wouldn't even know who you were and you wouldn't know me. Probably sounds amazing to you. I can't believe I'm just writing this. This whole thing about you. I can't stop. You're like my drug. I got addicted to you and need you more than ever and I don't have you and now I'm going fucking crazy. I just want to know why you just had to move on? You knew that I had so many feeling about you. Yes I was bitch cause I was always mean to you or just ignored you. I was scared that you would play me.And I'm sorry about that. But I did have feelings. I just had a weird way of showing it. I wouldn't of just said I love you. You are the only boy I fell in love with and said I love you and meant it. I still do mean when I say I love you. You broke my heart and I still love you. You moved on and I'm still in love with you. I can't get over you ever. I know I sound pathetic but it's true. I never can get over you. Maybe you will come back. Maybe things will go back to how it was. When you and me texted non stop. When you Skyped me and I was so nervous and was scared to death. No boy makes me feel like that. We used to have cute little conversations and you and Tori having dumb ass fights. I hope it goes back to how it use to be. I would do anything for that to happen or for you to come back to me. Or at least talk to me and tell me how you feel or felt about me. I wrote A note a month ago I think and I was too scared to send it. But it was kind of like this. All about fucking you and us but it said that I stopped cutting and wasn't depressed and I didn't care you left me.
Lies Lies Lies
I'm sorry I tried my best but depression won. It took over and makes me do the dumb shit I do. I feel disappointed in myself cause I let you down. You said I need to get better and you were going to help but my depression got worse and you left me. Like fucking always. Like when you didn't talk to me for MONTHS which killed me cause not talking to you makes me just fucking die inside. And then one day, exactly on 1/1/16 the day we started dating, you texted me which made me have a little heart attack. You said you wanted to be more than we where before and then we dated which I was actually really happy. I could never stop talking about you to Tori while she talked about Malieke which is basically a monkey that turned into a human. But no joke he looks like one anyway I really liked you. My feelings totally developed for you. Then we talked for hours and hours. When had our conversation about cartoons when it was 3 in the morning for me and 1 in morning for you. I fucking miss that. We fucked around then I got attached to you. When you said you loved me and I thought you were telling the truth. I was fucking wrong. Should of knew. I wished we of stayed friends. Maybe I wouldn't have feelings. But then you broke up with me saying that we needed to be friends and my heart broke. I tried to act cool but I couldn't. I lost the best thing that happened to me. I always over react on shit. I couldn't bare to be friends. You knew I had feelings and didn't give a shit. I blew it off, thought I could over it easily. then I watched your snapchat with you and your new fucking girlfriend, kissing. Yeah I busted out in tears. In a tanning spa. With Tori. It took me hours to stop crying listening to the same fucking sad song like I am doing now. I got angry but sad at the same time and changed your name to asswipe on snapchat. Don't judge I was angry as shit. Crying my fucking eyes out. Then I texted you mad as shit. I said I wish you told me the truth about dating someone else and you said it didn't send. Then I snapped and went off on you. Everything that I said was a lie. Just a fucking lie I made so it made you think I have moved on and didn't care about you. I haven't moved on and I care about you more than I care about myself. Tori even knows that I haven't moved on. After the weekend was over I went back to my house cause I was at Tori's house and got into my room and cried my eyes out. I couldn't stop thinking about what I said. Cause of what I said I knew that you wouldn't want me. You never wanted me. I was just a dumb 'pretty' girl that doesn't care about anything and just uses people. That week was the worse week ever. I was called fat by this random ass dude.
My sister called me a whore.
You didn't care at me at all.
So I did it again. I slit my wrist and I did it a few weeks ago cause I missed you. I hardly have any space left. I'm going to stop. I need to. I was going to kill myself but then I thought. Maybe if get my life straight and get help, I can have you back. Maybe I have a chance. Hopefully I do. Cause I need you. And I need you soon before I go crazy to point where I'm not here anymore causes of my depression. Better hurry. It's spreading quickly  and you are the only person to stop it.
- Okay so is that possible to turn into an story cause I want to write it Idk but please tell me well I want someone to write it as it could be about anyone if you want it as a fanfic..
Love you and please tell me what you think...

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