Daniel Imagine 50th Post!!

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Sorry this might be bad just cause I really don't know the topic that well but I wanted to still attempt to write it. Enjoy💘
Daniel and I have been friends for at least 6 months, a little after Jai introduced him to me at a party.

Daniel is probably the most sweetest guy you can imagine. He is always kind and it's always good knowing that he will be there for me always.
We have told each other most of our secrets but I still have one hiding from Daniel.

The reason I know Jai is because of my sister Cimorelli. Name sound familiar? Yes my sister is Cimorelli. My sister is part of the group that does covers and sings on YouTube and they have gotten popular. But she told me that the Janoskians were fans and she met Jai and boom I met Daniel. She said I should join the group cause I can sing pretty well (I've been told) but singing isn't really for me.

Strangers hating me and loving me is kinda of weird so the 'famous life' isn't for me.
Some people say that I look so much like my sister and 'we look like twins' but Daniel still hasn't noticed so we can't look much alike. Or Daniel is just blind.

I never told Daniel cause I thought he would treat me different. Yes I basically just met him 6 months ago and I already like him. He just so cute!

Today Daniel wanted to hang out at my house and I was okay with it. I was only okay with it cause my sister left to go film and stay at her friends house for the weekend.

I ordered a pizza and got my cookies and brownies that I made for breakfast but I really don't know why I made them in the morning, just cause I wanted them. I popped lots of popcorn, got the boxes of candy and started the Netflix so basically everything was ready.

A few minutes later, Daniel came. "Y/N/N!" "SKIPPY!" I said laughing giving him a quick hug and letting him into my house. He laughed a little and then looked at the table of junk food. Every teenagers dream.

"Are we having a feast!" He said laughing. "You could say that, the pizza should be here soon." I said plotting myself onto my black leather couch.

"What kind?" "Pineapple." "You're weird" he said busting out in laughter. Dang he laughs a lot. "How is that weird so many people get pineapple on their pizza." I said laughing along with him. "Pineapple is for a fruit salad, NOT pizza!" He said coming over and sitting beside me.

We both decided to watch the movie 'Dope' since we both never saw it and heard it was a good movie. I felt Daniel come closer to me making my heart rate go up. Then I felt his arm around my waist making look at him then making me smile then putting my full attention back to the screen.

At the end (almost the end) of the movie, Daniel and I were eating everything through out the movie, even the pineapple pizza which he liked, and then I got a text.

Going to be home soon. We got done early but now I'm the one stuck with edited so now I'm coming to get my laptop. She you in a little. Love you❤️

Shit. Daniel is going to find out that we are related. I know for sure that my talkative sister will talk to him.

I started to get nervous, moving constantly, chewing on my nails instead of my popcorn.
I had to think of something.
"Let's go to my room." I said quickly and he nodded. I basically pulled him off the couch as pushed him into my room, forgetting the amazing sweets.
"Wow someone wanted up here quickly." He chuckled and I nervous laughed with him. TRY TO ACT NORMAL AND NOT LIKE A NERVOUS WRECK!
"Y/N, are you okay?" He said coming closer to me and I nodded. "Will you turn on a movie while I go get the sweets?" Daniel said and I nodded.

I put on a scary movie just cause I really wanted to watch it but I was too scared to do it by myself. My sister ABSOLUTELY HATES scary movies. But they're not real. Hopefully.

I was waiting for Daniel to come back, but he didn't show. What was he doing? I went downstairs and heard laughs. I see Cimorelli and Daniel talking.

"Oh hey Y/N sorry I was just talking to Cimorelli. I'm such a big fan of your group!" He said.
"Yeah well the girls and I are too, I freaked out when I met Jai and he such a good friend. I told him that my sister, Y/N liked you and bang! Now you guys hang out and are friends. Maybe soon you guys will be more than friends." She smirks. Now Daniel knows. Cause of my talkative sister. Can't she just keep her mouth closed or is that too hard for her?

"Oh I didn't know you guys were sisters! Y/N, why did you tell me?"
"Cause I didn't want you to know." I mumbled but loud enough for them to hear it.
"I'm going up to my laptop, yell for me if you need anything." She said going up the stairs while I went over to the couch and sat down.
"Why wouldn't you want to tell me?" He asked softly sitting right next to me.
"I just, thought you would act different around me. When I heard you 'Fangirling' or 'Fanboying', whatever you call it, about my sister's group with the boys I thought you would treat me different knowing that she is in the group and you admire her group so much.." I said putting my head down. "Hey look at me." He said putting his hand slightly below my chin and turned it to make me look at him.
"I admire you more than anything in this world. Nothing can make me change the feelings I have for you, promise me you will never hide anything like that silly from me again." He said looking into my Y/E/C eyes. I just wanted to kiss him. He was just perfect.
"I promise."
"Good cause what I want to be you can't have secrets in the relationship."
"Yeah best friends are supposed to tell each other everything." "Oh you want to be best friends? I was thinking about being more than friends." He said making my heart jump and my cheeks turn red like a tomato.
"That's the whole reason I wanted to come over. I had to do it! I had to tell you Y/N! It was killing cause you didn't know how I feel. So Y/N," He said getting on his knees, "Will you be my amazing girlfriend?"
"Of course I will." I said giving him a hug, "Bur never get on one knee unless you mean it!" I said laughing a little
"I TOLD YOU!! I KNEW THAT YOU WOULD GET TOGETHER!!!!" My sister said from upstairs making us laugh.
Yes this was requested sorry I have been lazy. But I have softball and so much shit for school I'm so happy this is my last year of high school. Someone asked if I was dating someone and yes now I am and he's a cutie🙈
I play softball, basketball, and soccer and I'm number 4 in all of them...

👟Bringin Back the White Vans👟
❤️🐢OJ🐢❤️(btw that's my nickname in Softball my coach picked it😂)


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