[Victory : Nishinoya Yuu]

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Stories with the : in the middle are OC stories (like this one)
◇ means it is a request
○means it is xreader (since I have a few of those coming up a bit later)


(noya is my fave so woo)

(u prolly guessed that tho lmao)


[Victory : Nishinoya Yuu]

It wasn't the first time he'd seen her.

They'd often crossed paths in the halls- she was in the classroom next to his, and their cleaning duty often coincided- and she had caught his eye, being one of the few girls (well, people in general) in school that he could compete with in height. It often seemed like she was waitching him, too; Nishinoya always thought that he must be daydreaming- she was too cute to have any interest in a dunce like him. It threw him off when their eyes met while emptying the bins from their respective classes- perhaps he had something on his face, or maybe he had toilet roll stuck to his shoe. Once in the cover of his classroom, he'd check both, earning strange looks from his classmates.

But he never got her name. Not until now.

Both of the Karasuno volleyball teams were training for some upcoming Practice matches against nearby schools. A girl, kitted out in the Girls' team's tracksuit, knocked hard on the door, the sound echoing and drawing the attention of everyone. Nishinoya felt a slight twinge of surprise at the familiar face.

"Sorry for interrupting. My name is Arai Nino, may I sit and watch awhile? I'm from the girls team." She smiled fully, bowing. Takeda-sensei seemed abashed, but wasn't about to refuse;

"Sure, go ahead."

She sat at the edge of the court, folding her legs. The boys found it a little offputting- since she was staring intensely- but did their best to ignore it, getting their heads back into the game. Though, ne seemed to be watched more than most, and he definitely noticed...

"Wah!" the exclamation flew from Hinata's lips at the dud serve, it reaching far out of bounds and spinning straight for Nino.

Of course, Nishinoya did all he could to stop the ball hitting the girl- it would do serious damage if it made contact- and so more or less dove in front of her, returning it back to the court. It soon dropped, however- the others were too surprised to return it properly- so he turned to her, and grinned.

"You okay, Arai-chan?" he asked- though his bubbliness soon fizzled out at her amazed stare.

"Sugoi!" She exclaimed, "You were so fast! But still returned it perfectly!" at this point, he was fidgeting awkwardly, embarrassment mingling with the pride he felt at the praise, "I was really a goner there!" She beamed, "Guess that makes you my saviour," Nishinoya could feel his brain flailing- it was all happening so fast. He'd never dealt with such gushing before. "-huh, Yuu-kun?"

The first name basis was the final, destructive blow. And, Yuu would be loathe to admit in future, the Libero didn't notice yet another ball flying in their direction, knocking into the back of his head.

"-what is with the bias of direction in these rogue balls anyway, geez..." the world was fuzzy, and something rustled under Yuu's head when he moved it. It throbbed painfully. "Only came here to see Yuu-kun play, but now he's out cold- Captain's gonna get mad at me..."

"...ugh..." Nishinoya finally managed to force his eyes open, only a creak, wincing at the gym lights blazing themselves into his eye sockets. "Ow..."

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