[In the Playground ○ Haiba Lev]

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I have a real strong place in my heart for this tol bean atm. I dunno. Enjoy.

[In the Playground ○ Haiba Lev]

It was busy. It had been busy all day.

You sighed tiredly, arching your back to crack your spine. You'd been unpacking stock in the bookstore where you worked all day, so your back ached.

"Jab!" You jumped at the feeling of fingers prodding into the small of your back, curving backward to see Lev above you, grinning mischievously. You scowled at him, swatting his hands away.

"Lev! You know I hate it when you do that!" You exclaimed. He'd started working with you at the store only a few months ago. He was noisy, gangly and clumsy- completely unfit to work in a quiet store such as this- but somehow this had charmed him to you.

He laughed, "I got you, (f/n)-chan!"

You scowled at him, "Rather than messing around, how about you put that darn height to use and help me?"

He blinked, then grinned. You flinched- that look always meant he was planning something. "Little (f/n)-chan can't reach the top shelf? Okay!" He jabbed a thumb at himself and licked his lips. "I'll help you!"

Without warning, the tall male ducked down, grabbing you and lifting you onto his shoulders. Squawking and grabbing onto him to steady yourself, you nearly dropped the books in your hands. "Lev! Put me down!"

"I'm helping! Just like you said!" He said, suppressing his laughter. Your expression was hilarious. "Now you can reach the top shelf!"

Glaring at him, you gingerly reached out to put the books in their place, smacking him atop the head when he yelled "earthquake!" and purposely wobbled around. But, he lowered you down after that, seeming satisfied that he'd bullied you enough for that moment.

"You're such an ass sometimes, Lev..." you grumbled, flustered, continuing with your work to distract yourself. He just grinned, approaching you slowly from behind, and...

"Gotcha!" You squealed as he pinched your sides. It didn't hurt, but the sensation caused you to jump- something akin to being tickled. Your fist shot out and he dodged backward just in time to avoid being hit again.

"Will you let me finish my work?! Jeez!" You exclaimed, haughty, " Why are you so annoying?!"

He just stuck his tongue out, picking up a box of Sci-Fi novels with one arm to lug to the other side of the store.

"Because, (f/n)-chan, boys always pick on the girl that they like." He said, a grin on his face as he disappeared behind a shelf, "Your annoyed face is cute!"

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