[Ohayou Gozaimasu ○ Akaashi Keiji]

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This just seemed like the sorta thing Keiji would do. Not particularly fluffy but I like it ;u;

First xReader I've written in many years so be kindddd 😂

Ohayou Gozaimasu ○ Akaashi Keiji

A soft snore and steady brush of fabric is the sound of your morning. Soft light creeps through the gaps in the curtains, the room just dim enough that you didn't wake up.

Your foot- which had broken free of your covers during the night- hung over the edge of your bed, and your hair was a mess. It had been a restless night, with you thrashing around all over the place, and the evidence was clear in the state of your body. You couldn't help it. When College work was stressing you out as much as it was it affected the quality of your sleep.

You mumbled a few words sleepily and rolled over, burying your face into your pillow. You were slowly being pulled to consciousness, but not quite- it took the thrum of your phone's ringtone, reverberating through your mattress, to fully rouse you.

Eyes still closed, you fumbled around for the device, swearing. Finally feeling the warm plastic on your fingers- it was under your stomach, obviously having ended up there as a result of falling asleep during a conversation on it- you answered the call, bringing it to your face.

Rather than any words, you gave a groggy moan as a greeting. It was met with a chuckle.

"(F/n)-chan, it's time to get up." The gentle voice was, as always, relaxing to hear, just the right volume to bring you from your sleepy haze.

"Akaashi... five more minutes." You grumbled into your pillow. You could practically hear his smile, and had known what he would reply to that before you even asked.

"If you sleep any longer you'll be late to registration, (f/n)-chan." There was a brief pause, "Come on, I don't hear any moving."

You groaned again, rolling onto your back and rubbing your eyes. "I'm tiiiireeeddd..." you whined, pulling yourself grudgingly into a sitting position.

Keiji sighed, "We have this every morning... I'm not surprised you're tired, you didn't fall asleep until two AM."

You pouted, "Nor did you, and you sound fine..." you never could understand how he was so capable of functioning on so little sleep. Keiji was ever the early bird.

"Because I've been up for about ten minutes now." You were starting to feel a little more awake now. You yawned, and stretched. "You need to get dressed now, (f/n). I don't want to have to wait for ages when I get to yours..." the teasing tone caused you to scowl.

"Fine, fine! I'm up!" You exclaimed, annoyed, "I'm getting dressed now, so I'll see you in a bit!" You moved to end the call, but were caught by his voice.

"Ah, and, (f/n)..."


"Good morning. I love you."

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