[In the Dark : Kuroo Tetsurou]

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^See previous chapter for details c:

I fucking love RhymeWithRachel

[In the Dark : Kuroo Tetsurou]


The soft moan was accompanied by sounds of shifting, the dim room only lit by the television.

"What?" The Volleyball Captain asked, lifting his head. He'd been drifting into sleep, and wasn't pleased at being woken up by the girl that laid on his chest. Her chin rested on her hands and she gazed at him sleepily.

"We should probably turn the movie off..." she mumbled, tipping her head so that her cheek laid on the back of her hand. "Bad for the environment."

"Aren't you watching?" He asked, yawning, and she shook her head, fidgeting in position to get more comfortable.

"I was watching you." She said, earnest as always. If he hadn't gotten used to it already, it would have made him blush.

He smirked, "Hentai..." she flushed slightly and puffed out her cheeks, "Fine... where's that controller..?"

She made a wordless sound of complaint as he moved, attempting to grasp ahold of the Xbox controller that had apparently managed to lodge itself underneath him.

Then, there was a sort of click as the television screen went dark, shutting off along with the console.

"Power cut, huh?" Kuroo sat up as soon as Mirai stood, hand keeping hold of hers. "I think we have some candles somewhere..."

"Tetsu, I know where they are." Mirai said softly, letting go of him and making her way slowly to the kitchen with her arms spread wide. It was pitch black, since it was late, but she'd been here enough to know where she was going.

Opening the drawer, she felt around for the box of long candles she knew she'd seen in there and silently wished she'd brought her phone along with her so she could actually see. Especially when the floorboards creaked behind her.

"...Tetsu?" Gripping the candles tightly, she squinted around her- not that she could see anything. "Kuroo, this isn't funny."

Dark shapes started to form around her, becoming hands that wanted to grab her, people leering at her. Her heart pounded, skin starting to sweat cold.

Suddenly, she was pulled backward, eliciting a shrill scream from her. Kuroo laughed, tearing forming in his eyes as he held her against his chest. She pushed him away, annoyed, as he pulled out his lighter so that he could see better. "I didn't even know you could scream that loud, Tomoka!"

"You're such a dick, Kuroo!" She exclaimed, the usually soft expression and tone contorted in irritated embarrassment. "That wasn't funny!"

Wiping a tear from his cheek, he took the candles from her, setting one in the stand and lighting it. Then, he grabbed ahold of her once more, not letting her push him away.

"It was a bit funny." He grinned, cuddling into her, and she scowled. "Ahh, don't be mad. I'll make it up to you~"

That seemed to catch her interest. Despite her usual deadpan expression, curiosity was obvious on her face. He smirked. "How?"


"Ero things don't count." She said quickly, cutting him off. "Ero. Erotetsu. Tetsero-"

"Isn't that enough?!" He interrupted, distressed. The slightest of smirks lifted her cheeks. Damn, she was cute. It made it impossible for him to be mad at her.

She took his hand in one of hers, and the lit candle (by the tray) in the other. Ignoring his wounded snivelling, she led him upstairs to his bedroom, yawning.

Making him sit, she curled up beside him, content to use him as a pillow again. Tetsurou's pride began to recover, watching his adorable Mirai falling into sleep.

Until she started mumbling "Squishy Tetsu". It was cute, but was she calling him fat?

Kuroo wasn't sure whether to laugh at her or cry at her compliments- that were more like insults.

All he knew was that he'd be hitting the gym in the morning.

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