[Marshmallow Fluff : Kuroo Tetsurou]

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Not much to say here, I'm fucking tired

Enjoy this oneshot about my bby cat Kuroo

[Marshmallow Fluff : Kuroo Tetsurou]

Most would find it nerve-wracking to enter a gym full of unfamiliar people. But, as the knock sounded and everyone turned to see whi'd made the noise, the girl standing in the entrance looked confident. She had pale skin and pale eyes to match- a blue so icy that it made her whole expression seem cold. Something about her screamed elite- the student council type.

"Ojiisama." In stunned silence, the four in play volleyball teams (each participating in practice matches againtst one other but all frozen in curiosity) watched to see who the "Uncle" of this beauty was. 

"Ah, over here. You made it, Mirai-chan." Screams of disbelief could be heard from two of the members of the Karasuno team as their advisor of all people stepped up. The Baldy and the Libero couldn't seem to believe that Takeda had such an attractive relative.

"Okaa-san told me to tell you that she put some extras in so that Ittetsu-boke could gain some muscle." Takeda sweated, smiling slightly.

"Ah... well, thanks..." bowing, the girl excused herself, after handing the elder a box that seemed like it probably contained a lunch. Takeda had forgotten his at home that morning, and it was too far to go back from Tokyo.

"Wait!" Shouts could be heard, the two screamers from before skidding to a stop in front of Mirai. Bowing, the bald one and the short libero from Karasuno introduced themselves, begging her to stay and watch. Mirai blinked, and glanced at her watch,

"Well.. I guess I could for a little while..."

Making herself busy, Mirai wandered around the large gym during intervals, keeping things orderly and passing people water bottles on occasion- since they'd ask her when nearby. She didn't seem to notice the attention she was drawing, though every so often she'd glance behind her, like she thought she was being followed. Once or twice her eyes met with those of a tall, dark-haired guy from the school with the red uniforms. He had a cocky look on his face, so Mirai would look away immediately, regardless of whether he was looking in her direction or not. Guys were weird.

Kuroo had noticed that the lunchbox girl had been looking in his direction occasionally. Her gaze pierced right through him, and try as he might, it was impossible for him to entirely focus on the match with Fukurodani. The game seemed to pause a moment, everyone coming together. It seemed that some of the others were distracted by her, too

"Hey- Mirai-san, was it?" Kuroo called out to her, making a pawing motion designed to say 'come here'. She linked her hands together in front of her body and walked over. "Could you pass me my water bottle? Thanks."

Mirai did as asked, nodding her head as he thanked her again. In the next second her eyes were on him, and Kuroo's breath caught- that unwavering gaze was piercing. "Ah, also, please refer to me as Takahara-san." And with a slight nod and bow, turned away from the gobsmacked Kuroo, earning a few muffled snickers and mutters of "Kuroo got shut down!"

But just as Mirai ealked away, she sent him one last glance, the iciness of it sending shivers up his spine. He just caught the smell of her shampoo as her hair wafted past him. Bokuto and Akaashi just blinked at him, while the Neko gave a slow grin. "Boy, what I wouldn't give for a girl like that..."

Bokuto blinked at him for a moment, then cocked his head to one side. "...hentai."

Kuroo just grinned all the more, though something about it was menacing. "I'm going to beat the crap out of you, stupid owl."

The games had lasted all day, and the weather was stifling- it was the middle of Summer so it was to be expected. All of the players were sweating more than normal, and Mirai had shed her sweater and collared shirt, now down to a vest top and her skirt. This sight, of course, didn't really help the exerted states of the present males.

"Please, Mirai-chan... cover up a little!" Takeda begged the girl, embarrassed- he was a rather proper and shy man, after all. Mirai just stared at him.

"But it's hot." There was even a pink flush on her cheeks, the blonde strands of hair that had worked loose from the messy bun she'd scraped it into sticking to her neck. "If I get too hot I'll definitely die."

"Mirai-chan?!" The advisor looked stressed, "Don't say things like that!"

The blonde only touched her forehead, wobbling slightly. "I feel like I'm in the desert..."

And with that, she collapsed.

When she came to, she was in the Nekoma infirmary, with an audience. It was that red boy from before. She squinted. "What is a Jelly baby doing in here?"

The two present just blinked at her change in demeanor. Kuroo then smiled, "thought we'd come visit the collapsed princess..." he said, snorting a little. She just stared at him, and he tipped his head to the side. "We could leave?"

"No, thanks..." she mumbled, squeezing the top of the covers between her hands.

The feverish girl stared at the lanky male for a while, eyes seeming fixed on his hair, before sighing. "I want to eat Marshmallow Fluff."

Kozume's mouth twitched in an almost laugh, while Kuroo was blindsided. "Wait! Why did staring at my hair make you think that?!!"

She ignored him, sitting up, "And Cucumber! Fresh Cucumber." She poked Kuroo in the chest. "Poke poke. My Grandma grew cucumbers in her garden, you know?" She poked him again, in the shoulder this time, "Poke poke."

Kuroo caught her hand, and placed his hand on her shoulder to push her back down into the bed. He was doing a good job of hiding it, but he was actually feeling a little flustered. "You need to sleep, Takahara-san. You're very sick."

Such a pout came onto her face at that. Kuroo couldn't help but think how adorable it was. "I'm fine." But, like the well-behaved girl she was, she complied, letting the Nekoma Captain tuck the blankets up over her shoulders. She pulled them up further, to just under her eyes, and stared at Kuroo intensely over them.

"What?" He asked, lazily, resting his cheek in his palm. He was sat, legs crossed, on the uncomfy infirmary chair by her bed, and his butt was starting to ache. But he ciuldn't leave because he promised Takeda-sensei he'd keep an eye on her while he went to get another coffee. He felt a little crabby.

"Kuroo-san, your hair looks like you just got out of bed but you're actually very attractive." She said, earning a choking noise from the Captain. She yawned, widely (also adorable, Kuroo noted), then rolled onto her side, back facing the boys. "I'm going to sleep. Oyasuminasai."

Kuroo covered his mouth with his hand. "What are you doing, saying Oyasumi in the middle of the day...?" His grin was hard to stifle. "Shit..."

The huge grin on his face wouldn't clear for the rest of the day, no matter how much his teammates called him creepy.

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