[Fate ◇ Yamaguchi Tadashi]

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Mkay gonna level with you kids the diamond in the middle of the title means it's a request ya feel



(Also, this just happened to be mad long because I got too into it lmao. If you request something please don't expect it to be of this length. I mean i'll try but I make no promises ahahaa -cry-)

PS the pic is Yams' nervy face because he's making this lit all the time during this oneshot in my head

[Fate ◇ Yamaguchi Tadashi]


The stiffness in the freckled waiter's spine at the call was painfully obvious. He had done so every time the barista had greeted a customer, every time the bell jingled to announce someone's arrival. Every time he thought she was going to walk in.

Yamaguchi was waiting. That much, Akaashi had noticed. The shy brunette had taken notice of a police-box-blue haired girl that came into the establishment frequently. At least, that was the hair colour she'd had the last time. Before that, it had been bottle blonde, and before that, mint green. Sometimes she wore thick rimmed glasses and others coloured contacts. The first time Akaashi recalled her coming in she'd been wearing white ones that blotted out her iris- and used them to terrify the boy that was now crushing on her.

It had something to do with a book she'd been reading, on a day when her hair had been flamingo pink and she'd been wearing her glasses so was marginally less scary. She'd forgotten it on the table as she left, beside a mug that had contained a Mocha that was more coffee than chocolate, and of course, Tadashi had been the first to notice since he was the one that was in charge of straightening up tables once customers vacated. He'd panicked a little, then exclaimed at Akaashi that he was going to quickly return it.

It was a battered first edition Oliver Twist, so, naturally, she'd want it back.

Something on Yamaguchi's face had been blissfully happy when he had returned, closing the door even though it would swing shut on it's own and then proceeding to trip over a chair, dropping a mug.

Keiji huffed a listless, amused laugh. Tadashi jumped again, turning to eye his supervisor in confusion. The elder waved him away.

Something in the expression of the girl when she next appeared, donning a slightly shorter cut (just above the ears, framing her cheekbones) of a dainty pastel violet told Akaashi that maybe leaving her book behind hadn't been a mistake. But he wouldn't tell Yamaguchi that. Expressionless as he was, Keiji found it rather amusing to poke fun at his kouhai.

The bell jingled. "Welcome!" The raven haired male called, suppressing a chuckle at the familiar jolt of surprised nervousness running up his colleague's spine.

This time, her hair was a chunky cut of beige toned peach. She'd donned round, thin rimmed glasses. Akaashi could see Tadashi from the corner of his eye, red from ear to shoulder and rubbing at the exact same spot on a table over and over. But, he focused on his customer. "What will you be having today?"

"Hmmm..." the girl tapped her lip with her forefinger, scanning the menu above Akaashi's head. She grinned, brightly. "I'm feeling black coffee today, Akaashi-san. With a shot of caramel."

While the barista prepared her order, she scanned the rest of the coffee shop, smiling as her eyes came to rest on a certain fidgeting boy. The smile, of course, brought about by how quickly he turned away when she looked, hoping she wouldn't catch him staring. That kind of fragile boy was the type she'd always loved to pick on- so easily scared. But, she'd grown to find him rather adorable... hence her ongoing romance with the shop he worked in.

Taking a seat in the corner with her coffee, she thought about a lot of things- she was an easily distracted girl- crossing and uncrossing her legs. Of course, this was procrastination. She had a pile of university assignments to work on that spanned the length of her arms, but this was much more fulfilling. Particularly sneaking peeks of the cute freckled boy- that was very obviously trying not to look in her direction and very obviously blushing- over the top of her textbook.

Finishing her drink, she scrawled out a quick note, grinning, tearing the piece she'd written on out of her notebook and pinning it under the empty mug.

And just like that, the next time Yamaguchi turned around, she was gone. Trying not to feel disappointed, he finished up sweeping- then noticed the scrap of paper curling up from underneath the mug's weight. Curiously, he approached, picking up both items, eyes scanning the note as he placed the mug on the counter behind the bar.

It was mere seconds before Yamaguchi turned redder than he'd ever been before. Akaashi counted them.

"Akaashi-san..." Tadashi trembled, eyes wide, looking as though he could cry from happiness as he stared at the scrap of paper. "Do you think maybe... she likes me? Too?" Keiji just caught the whispered word added to the sentence.

Turning away to hide his smile, he shrugged, polishing a glass. "How should I know, Tadashi-san?"

He certainly wouldn't tell the younger that he'd been the one to divulge parts of Tadashi's work schedule to his admirer. The freckled brunette could simply believe in fate.

Fate, thy name is Akaashi Keiji


Dis was cute ngl

Precious freckled birb

Up to you guys what was written in the note, I guess? I was imagining something along the lines of "I want to see the rest of your freckles xoxo" lmfao I cry

No but really it was probably just her number and name idk I'm not creative with shit like that

This was requested by @Call_MeDanielle -thank you for the request! They're a bit older in this, I hope you don't mind. Was just really feeling Waiter Tadashi. Probably like 18? The girl is like 19 so mmmm Tadashi likes the older ladies hurhur


"I had fun tonight, Tadashi-kun." She said, smiling the brightest he'd ever seen. Yamaguchi felt his heart lift, stomach soar, throat clench and entire body burst into song with happiness. He felt like a ball of clichés and he didn't want anything more.

"A-ah, me too, Suzu-san!" He scratched the back of his neck- he hadn't even noticed how uncomfortable his clip on tie was, until now. He'd been so enamoured with her.

"Well, this is me." She said, stopping by her house. He jumped, and stopped too, causing her to giggle. He tried to suppress his disappointment that the night was over, but his crestfallen look was obvious enough that she noticed it. A giggle parted her lips. "Thank you for walking me home."

"No, not at all!" He insisted, fidgeting- he'd wanted to, anyway. He hadn't wanted to leave her so suddenly. Gripping his elbow with the opposite hand, he looked down. She smiled, gently.

"I don't usually do this on the first date. I'm just making that clear." She said, suddenly, and, in an action that took the boy completely by surprise, bent forward to press a chaste kiss to his unsuspecting lips. While he pressed his fingers to them in disbelief, she disappeared behind her front door, leaving a "goodnight" hanging in the air behind her.

Closing the door to his own flat behind him, Tadashi let out a sigh of happiness, coccooned in a bubble of warmth. He'd been kissed. He'd been on a date with Suzu-san, and he'd been kissed.

Tsukishima, who Yamaguchi had been lucky enough to get as a flatmate in his first year at Tokyo U, looked around at him from his Computer screen. "Why are you leaning on the door, Yamaguchi?"

The brunette jumped. "G-gomen, Tsukki!"

Tsukishima just pulled his headphones back on and turned back to his essay. As Tadashi was about to enter his bedroom, Kei's voice stopped him. "And wipe the lipstick off your face. Red isn't your colour."


See Requests chapter for details

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