[Valentine's Day : Kageyama Tobio]

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Just a quick short between oneshots

Idgaf if it's only 4th of Feb I wanted to write a V day shot so I'm writing a V day shot shut yer maff

Also Kags is an awkward lil muffin dork and needs protecting mkay

[Valentine's Day : Kageyama Tobio]

I exited the classroom, my thoughts firmly on the box of Honeydew melon in my locker. Padding through the halls, I stopped, seeing that same peculiar, raven-haired boy, stood in front of the locker block and clutching his head in what appeared to be frustration. I giggled- he really did pull some strange faces.

"Kageyama-kun?" I called out to him, approaching. He jumped like he'd been stung. "What are you doing?"

"A-ah, Kurosawa-senpai." He turned slowly. The tips of his ears were red. "Nothing. I'll be going now. "

He bowed, quickly, then about turned and all but sprinted away.

Shrugging, I opened my locker, jumping as something fell out of it. Blinking, I bent down to pick it up- it was a small card. Plain.

"Happy Valentines day". He had neat handwriting.

I glanced back inside my locker- he'd placed a single foil-wrapped chocolate on top of my Mathematics Textbook. I snorted, calling out, "Kageyama-kun, you know the girl gives the boy chocolate, right?"

I heard a small noise of annoyance, and fixed my gaze on the doorway he'd dissappeared through. I knew he'd been waiting there. He peered round, hiding most of his face. His aura was dark, but what I could see of his face was very, very red. "Really?"

I laughed, and he glared- but I knew that rather than angry, he was mortified. Approaching slowly, like he was a baby deer, I grinned, flashing the card at him.

"Yeah, I will." He stared at me in confusion.

"Eh?" I grinned.

"I will be your Valentine, Kageyama-kun."

And then he turned so red his head basically exploded.

- - -

Could be together, could be not together, don't suppose it really matters

Lel Kags likes the older ladies ʕ •́؈•̀)

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