[Mature ○ Hinata Shouyo]

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I finally wrote something for Hinata lmao

[Mature ○ Hinata Shouyo]

Hinata was jealous.

There really was no other way to describe it. He was proud of you, awfully so, and seeing you practice so hard to be good at what you loved made him so happy. He'd always cheer you on, sat in the theatre- even though sitting around doing nothing was what he hated the most. Even so, he went to every single recital that your dance class had, to see the brief few minutes of performance that you put on, because seeing the delighted look on your exhausted face brought him joy.

But despite himself, he was jealous.

"What have you even got to worry about? Worry about your sloppy serves first... Boke." The fact that Kageyama wasn't saying it to be mean only angered the ginger more. He growled at the taller boy.

"My serves are getting better!- and anyway, that's not the point!" Hinata turned his head back to where you stood, surrounded by your classmates, smiling, laughing, and looking heart-breakingly beautiful. It was like he had to squint just to be able to look straight at you- you were so bright, in this world he wasn't part of.

But that wasn't what really riled the boy up.

"(F/n), can't you stay a little later?" Shouyo ground his teeth at the sleazebag that tossed an easy arm around your shoulders. He wanted you to slap him away. "I really feel like we need more practice. The show is tomorrow."

You only laughed, blind to the increasingly pained expression on your boyfriend's face as he gnawed on the collar of his shirt in frustration. "We've practiced enough. Any more and none of us will be properly rested." You were much more sensible than your ginger lover. "And anyways," you flushed slightly, "I promised Shouyo we could spend some time together..."

Hinata couldn't hear what you were saying, but he could see the redness of your face. And the arm around you. That arm around you. That arm that would be around you again tomorrow- since he was your dance partner. The Middle blocker saw red.

"(F-f-f/n)!!" He called out, jogging over, fighting to remain mature and not drag you away from these animals. He was sure you wouldn't like that side of him.

"Ah, Shouyo!" You visibly brightened, and your dance partner finally removed his arm from your person. "I said you didn't need to come get me..." you leaned around your boyfriend and smiled, waving, "Hi, Kageyama."


Staring at your dance partner- who stared back, seeming to menacingly become taller and taller as seconds passed- Hinata only thought that he really did need to come and pick you up... before you got snatched away by this tall handsome guy. He looked like a damn model... and Kageyama wondered why he was worried.

"W-well there's a showing of T...Terminator in half an hour, so if we don't hurry we'll miss it...!" Hinata stammered, flustered at the excuse. It was embarrassing to admit the real reason. You perked up.

"Ah, really?! Well we should get going then!" You smiled, and he melted as you took his hand. You turned back to your classmates, waving lightly. "See you guys tomorrow!" Then, you blinked, and rewarded Shouyo with that big grin that only seemed to show itself for him. "Ah, and thank you for coming to pick me up." You leaned and pressed a light kiss to his forehead, and Shouyo thought that it was worth trying to be mature if it meant that this was the reward.

Not so mature that he didn't turn and stick his tongue out at your dance partner, though.

Requests are open folks

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