[Reward-Based Learning : Sawamura Daichi]

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Mmmmm the title's a lil bit Animal behaviourish hmmmm

I can't seem to switch it off ahahaaa (the uni student part of my brain that is ahahahaaaaaaa kill me)

[Reward-based Learning : Sawamura Daichi]

"Sa, sa! We should study together, Shouyo-chan!" The third year girl grinned, butting shoulders with the ginger. Narrowing her blue eyes in mischief, she shot a look at her boyfriend, who was watching the exchange with a dark expression, "Daichi-kun gets angry at me when we study, I need someone refreshing!"

This had been going on for only a few minutes, but the complaint in her expression was earnest. She was about as clever as a brick wall, so her boyfriend had- after being subjected to much pleading- agreed to help her study. However, the girl hadn't banked on just how much of a Spartan the volleyball Captain was when it came to studying- no doubt channelled from the previous Coach Ukai's training methods.

"Amai..." the girl jumped, immediately recognising the dark, angry tone, turning around slowly as though in a horror movie. Hinata, who had previously been frozen in a mess of trembling panic, took the opportunity to scurry away, hiding behind a confused looking Kageyama. The Karasuno captain was looming over her, and she gulped- he only called her by her surname if he was really angry. "Wh- what is it, Dai-kun~?"

Her attempt at softening him up failed. The third year, deadpan in expression with a slight twitch of the eyebrow, grabbed her- one hand beneath each arm-, picked her up and carried her outside. Dropping her back on the floor, he blew his top, "Stay out here if you're going to disturb practice!"

With that, he slammed the door, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Why do I like her again..?"

"You really should get better at controlling your jealousy, Daichi-san~" Suga teased, giggling, causing the captain to whirl around.

"Urusai, Suga!" It wasn't jealousy. Daichi crossed his arms. Kaori just happened to- although she was his girlfriend and he loved her- be very, very irritating.

Sighing loudly, he frowned, ignoring the teasing sound of Sugawara telling him he'd get wrinkles. He did feel a little guilty. Perhaps he'd been too harsh on her?

He shook his head. She was disturbing practice. Shouyo looked like he still hadn't fully recovered. They had a practice match in a few days, they couldn't afford such a distraction. He'd do the same thing to anyone who was impeding practice, it wasn't like he was harsher because it was her...

Maybe it was true that he did get angry with her quite a lot when they were studying. But he couldn't help it! She got distracted so easily! If it wasn't doodling moustaches on faces in her textbooks, she'd be staring out of the window claiming to have seen a bird that reminded her of him, or texting under the desk. He couldn't leave the room for five minutes without coming back to find her fast asleep, drooling on the desk. She was always such a pain...

"Daichi!" And that was when the volleyball made impact on his face.

Silence fell as they all stared, watching their Captain blink mindlessly, then slowly reach up and feel where the impact was made, gingerly. He looked at his fingers. Blood.

"Aaaa!!!" Tanaka screamed, "Daichi-san!"

"You're bleeding!!" Nishinoya bowed, "I'm sorry! I thought you had it!!"

Daichi waved his hand, smiling, "No, it's my fault. I wasn't paying attention." Covering his nose with the tissues Kiyoko gave him, he brushed them off, "I'm fine."

"That hit pretty hard, Daichi-san. We should take you to the infirmary..." the manager said, looking slightly concerned. He shook his head.

"I'm alright, I'm just going to sit out a little while."

"Maybe you should head home." Ukai said, cutting in. "Practice is almost over, anyway. You don't need to help with cleanup."

Pausing, Daichi nodded. The bleeding had stopped, anyway.

On his way home, Daichi stopped to think. He was supposed to be helping Kaori study again tonight, but now he wasn't sure. Would she even want him to come? He had been pretty mean to her... normally she would meet him after practice and they would walk home together, but there was no sign of her. Perhaps she was mad. She'd have every right to be...

"Daichi!" He whirled round at the voice, surprised. And there she was, as though thinking about her had summoned her to him. She was gasping as she finally stopped in front of him, cheeks pink. "Leaving without me! How mean!"

"Ah... I didn't think you were still there..." didn't think you'd want to see me...

"Wha-?! What happened to your face?!" Cutting him off, she exclaimed, cold fingers grasping his cheeks. "Your nose is all bloody!"

He blinked, then smiled awkwardly, "I... sort of took a volleyball to the face."

"What?!" She suddenly looked very sure of herself, "Is there anyone at your house right now?" He shook his head, and she grabbed his hands, pulling him along. "Come on! Come back to mine, I'll clean you up! You look like you've been in a gang fight!"

Cleaned up and sat in one of the beanbag chairs in his girlfriend's bedroom, Daichi sighed lightly. She'd not said anything about him shutting her out of the gym, only explained to her Mother what had happened when they got in, then sat him down and gently dabbed at his bloody nose- and lacerated lip, which he hadn't noticed earlier- with antiseptic. He'd hissed in pain at the time, but the light kiss she'd placed on his forehead as reward for being a brave patient made it worth it. Although, he could feel himself growing irritated.

"Kaori..." he said, twitching. She looked up from the bowl of rice, tipping her head to one side, and he glared. "My hands are fine. I can feed myself."

She just giggled and let him take the bowl from her, sticking her tongue out. "I like looking after you though."

Managing to get through dinner without much fault, they got to studying. As the girl retrieved her textbooks, Daichi was confused. "I thought you didn't want to study with me anymore?"

She shrugged, "I'm grateful for all the help you've been giving me, Daichi. I have been doing better on my tests lately." She grinned at him, "I just said that to get a rise out of you because you were ignoring me." He twitched, "-that, and Shouyo-chan is incredibly fun to pick on."

I take it back. She's very annoying. Daichi wondered why he'd ever felt bad for kicking her out of the gym, but soon got focused on the work. And he did scold her when he saw her playing Neko Atsume under her desk. It was like it was impossible for her to stay focused.

But, she didn't complain. Because, when she got an answer correct, something new happened- he gave her a kiss. Short, and only on the cheek, but it was enough to make her face blaze red in surprise.

"Well done." He said, not looking at her. Their elbows touched on the table and she trembled in happiness.

That was the best kind of encouragement.

I feel like Daichi would be the kind of person that doesn't like PDA/ gets really embarrassed by it. So, put him together with someone who loves it and we have a cute lil matchup

Also Daichi-san doesn't get enough love. Like mmm dem thighs tho

Was super fuckin freaked out when he got KO'd. Was legit scared he wasn't going to be able to play volleyball anymore OTL

If you have a request, drop it in the comments! I'll only take four at a tine though, so it's first come first served!

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