[Snow Day Snuggling : Oikawa Tooru]

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[Snow Day Snuggling : Oikawa Tooru]

Letting out a yawn, I sat up, rubbing at my eyes. My breath mistead in the air, and I quickly turned to fling my curtains open- since my bed was beside my window.

Eyes falling on the sheet of white, I grinned. "Snow day!" The snow was so thick, the school was bound to be closed.

Burying myself back in my duvet- to protect against the cold- I trembled in happiness, foraging out my phone. As the school website came up, I grinned ever wider- I didn't have to venture out into the cold! Back to bed!

I curled up, then cursed as I heard the knocking on the front door of my apartment. I didn't want to get up... maybe if I ignored them, they'd think I wasn't home and go away?

"Hiro-chan, let me innn~!" Oh.

I'd forgotten, Tooru was going to walk with me to school today. I chewed on my lip, then sleepily fumbled to send him a text...while trying not to cringe at the dopey contact name he gave himself.

Sender: Hiro

Recipient: Strong Handsome Tooru-kun ♡♡♡

Re: Snow day

Text: Tooru, go home. The school's closed, sorry! (・ω<)/ ehe!

Sender: Strong Handsome Tooru-kun ♡♡♡

Recipient: Hiro

Re: No fair! 

Text: So mean, Hiro-chan! I came all the way here, it's cold! (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू)

I giggled sleepily. I could practically hear him whining at me.

Sender: Hiro

Recipient: Strong Handsome Tooru-kun ♡♡♡

Re: Not my problem 

Text: I'm not getting up to let you in! Love you Tooru~ ♡

I vaguely heard him give a cry of "Hiro-chan!" Before I curled up into a ball of warmth in my bed. Next thing I knew, I was stirred to the sound of my bedroom door opening, and made a noise of complaint as my duvet was pulled back.

"Tooru, cold..." I whined as he slipped in beside me, pulling the duvet up around us and pressing his fingers and toes against me while he was at it. He pulled a sulking expression,

"You left me outside, so you have to warm me up." He shivered, snuggling into me. He gave a sigh of appreciation, "You're warm, Hiro-chan..."

"How'd you get in though, Tooru..?" I asked, feeling a little more cosy now that his hands weren't so cold (he'd pressed them against my belly to warm them up, since they were almost numb). He grinned;

"I remembered where you keep your spare key!" He winked, and I deadpanned,

"Tooru's cheesy..." I said, and he flinched, looking like he was going to cry.

"Hiro-chan..." I grinned, wickedly, then buried my head in his neck. He froze, letting go of me completely. For a playboy, he was surprisingly awkward when I was forward with him. "W-wha?"

"Glad you're here, Tooru." I sighed contentedly, closing my eyes. "We'll make a snowman later, yeah?"

Relaxing a little, he wrapped his arms around me, seeming happy to sleep, too. "Sounds fun."


Cute lil Tooru fluff bc I'm in a Tooru mood rn

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