[Nyctophobia : Kenma Kozume]

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Ily this meme

[Nyctophobia : Kenma Kozume]

"Kenma-kun?" A soft voice sounded from behind the door, accompanied by a gentle knocking. Kozume could tell by the voice who it was- that, and by the fact that she only asked for him. She knew him well enough to know he'd still be awake at this hour, and Kuroo enough to know that he most assuredly was not.

Careful not to disturb the loudly snoring, belly-exposing Captain, the Setter stood, picking his way amongst the futons to the door. He had somewhat anticipated this. They were on a team trip, and their Manager wasn't so good at dealing with unfamiliar environments. Especially at night.

"What is it, Alba-san?" He asked quietly, pulling open the door as silently as he could manage. The half German girl was gripping her phone in one hand- the torch on it switched on- and a blanket in the other. She hid her blue eyes behind a blonde fringe, clearly embarrassed.

"Can... can I sit in here with you?" She asked, in lilting Japanese. She'd only moved to the country a few years ago, so her grasp of the language wasn't yet quite stable. Eyeing her a moment, Kenma nodded, not asking anymore.

"I'll just be playing games on my PSP." He informed- though partly to assure her that he wouldn't be sleeping yet. This had happened before- she'd sought him out to be with him while he kept his console on. The light calmed her.

"That's fine." She said, her sentences short as always. It wasn't to be rude, just that she didn't have the vocabulary yet to express herself fully.

Kozume sat back down on his futon, leaving a space- as far away from the broadly stretched out Kuroo as possible- for the European next to him. She sat, squeezing herself into a tight ball, and pulling her blanket around herself. Kenma booted up his PSP, picking up where he left off, his companion content to merely sit in his presence.

Face in her knees, she didn't move at all for a good half an hour. Which is why it was so surprising when Kozume felt the hand lightly grasp onto his sweater. Blinking a moment, he brushed it off- if this contact was what she needed, then fine. He couldn't deal with crying girls so if it kept her happy he would let her do as she pleased.

Though, he would be lying if he said his heart didn't beat a little faster.

Sitting against the wall as they were, Alba sat up and leaned against it, staring at the ceiling. Her hand didn't let go of him, and Kenma wasn't about to bring it up.

But when her head dropped to his shoulder, he was mentally beside himself. Struggling to keep playing, his mind whirred erratically. A girl was leaning on him. A real human girl. What was he supposed to do?!

Her soft breathing in his ear made it clear that she was fast asleep. She'd obviously dropped into this position because of how tired she was. It was perfectly innocent. She obviously wasn't made to stay up this late, not like he was.

So, he decided to leave her as she was. He was hardly going to wake her up. She wasn't doing any harm, and in any case, it was sure to be embarrassing. Not to mention, she'd finally settled... waking her up seemed like kind of a dick move.

And it was because of this, that, next thing Kenma knew, an echoing "Oyaoya, what's this?" Rattled in his eardrums.

Eyes snapping open, Kozume jumped, seeing his senior looming over him. "Kuroo?"

Feeling movement next to him, he realised immediately what had happened. Kuroo's expression suddenly made sense. "Alba-san..."

"Mm... what...?" The foreign language perforated the air, and her eyes finally fully opened. Then, went wide. "Ooohhh shit!" She frowned, blushing, working through the words in her head, "I... slept on... Kenma-kun?"

Scratching the back of his head, Kenma nodded, briefly noticing that his game had died overnight. He must have drifted off while playing. "Sorry. Should I have woken you?" She just stared at him, and he wasn't sure if she was lost for words or just hadn't understood him. "Are you mad?"

She got that one. Shaking her head vigorously, she flushed, "No no! It's... my fault?" Questioning her words as she spoke, she wondered if she was phrasing herself correctly. "Sorry for sleeping on you."

"It's fine." Kenma brushed it off, sending a dirty look in the giggling Kuroo's direction. "I don't mind."

His neck still felt warm where she'd been pressed against it.

He definitely didn't mind.

Kenma's def a cute and understanding bby. Plus, because he's so observant, definitely would be good at getting his s/o through difficult situations. Ily my Kenma headcanons.

Still have four slots available for requests! (Obviously if you're reading this in the future this may not be the case lmao)

Please enjoy this thing I drew a while ago. Because Kenma with a fucking ponytail. (I actually drew the header image, too. ;3;)


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