[PDA : Bokuto Koutaro]

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Hoot hoot

[PDA: Bokuto Koutaro]

Bokuto had never been one to be shy of public display. As confident in himself as he was, it was unsurprising- the owl-like ace would probably declare any private matter to the world...

Except for this.

Affection was the one thing he wouldn't show in public.

It wasn't that he didn't want to- no, he very much did. He wanted to hold his girl close, hug her, kiss her, make it clear to everyone around that she was his and his alone.

But, Miho was shy.

She was shy to the point that, when they first got together, even the sight of him was enough to cause her to flee and hide in a locker (she was small). So he promised that he wouldn't hug or kiss her in front of others unless she gave it the okay; he didn't want her to die from heart failure.

This, however, meant that he'd be unrelenting when they were alone. It was their deal.

"Miho-chan!" Bokuto called to her, ensuring her attention was on him. His hand stung, having just performed a killer spike- nearly knocking out one of his teammates in the process. He bumbled over to her, feeling the urge to bear hug, but resisting. Always resisting. Because, although he'd stare at her with large, sorrowful eyes, or sniff and trot around her in an attempt to get her to call for him to touch her, it never worked. "Did you see? Awesome, right?"

She smiled, clapping her hands lightly, "Yes, awesome. Very awesome, Bokuto-kun."

And with that, Koutaro was infused with the energy to continue playing, leaping back to the court. Akaashi watched, glad he'd persuaded the girl to come to their practices. She was good morale for the famously bipolar ace.

Even while walking home together, Bokuto would glance round at her every so often. They wouldn't hold hands, but sometimes, if he was lucky, Miho would reach and grasp lightly onto his sleeve- she wanted to be near him too, but holding hands was too much. It made her feel like everyone would stare at her, it was suffocating. She couldn't take judgement, and Koutaro was understanding of that.

Of course, thanks to having abstained from physical contact all day, even that small tug on his clothing would be enough to nearly drive Bokuto crazy. It was like being on a Sugar fast- none for weeks, and then suddenly even the slightly sweet tastes like pure sugar.

And, once they reached her home, he would enter with her. Her parents were always out at that time, both being workers- though they were used to the sudden appearances of the boy by now, anyhow- so there was nothing that would cause the owl boy to hold back.

He'd grasp her in a large hug, almost lifting her off the ground, as though making up for all the hugs he hadn't given her throughout the day. He'd claim her lips in a kiss so long it was like all those ungiven ones combined. She'd be unable to argue, because she wanted it too- that, and she'd never be able to get a word out.

Then, they'd curl up together in her bedroom, doing homework, watching movies, or just talking. Bokuto was happy to do whatever she wanted. As long as he had her attention, of course.

"Miho-chan..." he'd whine softly, laying on the floor next to her (since she was doing homework and thus not paying as much attention to him as usual), while she sat cross-legged, reading glasses perched on her nose and chewing on her lip. He'd think about how cute she looks, taking a picture on his phone, and promising not to show anyone ever to calm her when she got embarrassed. She'd feel guilty when he said he just wanted something to remind him of her when she wasn't there, guilty for getting mad that he'd set it as his wallpaper.

And thus, the guilt would give Koutaro what he wanted- she'd kiss him shyly then stretch her legs out flat. He'd lay his head in her lap, turning his face into her stomach, the warmth and quiet (and her hand, stroking his hair) quickly sending him to sleep.

Only for her to wake him up when it was getting late and he needed to go home.

He'd smile, declaring in his goofy manner that his home was with her- but curse when he saw the time and sprint out of the door, blowing her a kiss that would embarrass her in front of her parents. He was late for his curfew and his Mother would be mad.

Embarrassed as she was, she'd smile and watch him until he was out of sight- or until her Dad got mad and said he wasn't paying to heat/ air condition the whole world. It really depended on the season.

And then the routine would start again.


Welp, this was written completely of the bat bc i was inspired but I like how it turned out so meh

Bokuto just strikes me as the kind of guy that's be rly understanding in a relationship

He's also a huge dorky owl and I love him

(Picture is Bokuto with flat hair because oh my g o d???¿?)

(Like I love his owl style and everything but????)


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