[Self-Deprication ◇ Iwaizumi Hajime]

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What she says: Oikawa and Iwaizumi are first years in this oneshot. Idk if it's canon since I've not finished the manga yet buuuut for the scope of this story Oikawa gets put in straight away as a regular, whereas Iwaizumi is kept on the benches a while.

What she means: uuuugh that picture how dare u original artist damn it hajime is the best bara ily Iwa-chan

[Self-Deprication ◇ Iwaizumi Hajime]

"Can I kill him? Just once?"

The dark haired Spiker's expression was dark with annoyance, his collar being grasped and pulled with full body strength to keep him from destroying the team's newest setter.


The growl was greeted with a cried, "Hajime-kun, no!"

Michiru, who had been trying to contain the wrath of said first year, quickly whirled to stand in front of him. "Tooru-kun didn't mean it like that! He just wants you to try your best, that's all!"

Staring at her earnest face, Iwaizumi straightened up. "Tooru-kun". He tsked and walked away. "Sure, fine. Whatever."

The bland look in his eyes confused and worried the Manager. He'd never usually look so empty.

"Thank you, Micchan..." Oikawa said, quietly once their friend had left. "Maybe I did go too far with that one...- ow!"

"Go and apologise!" Michiru said, scolding, pointing at him with the hand that had smacked him across the back of the head. "While it's true that Hajime-kun isn't a regular member yet, pointing that out is not very nice, even if you did only mean to encourage him to practice! So go apologise!"

The brunette stared at her in surprise a moment, then his eyes began to sparkle, "Micchan is cute even when angry..."

Pouting at him, she started to shove him toward the changing room Hajime had disappeared into.

"Okay, okay! I'm going, Micchan, you can stop pushing me!" Satisfied that he really was doing as she said, she turned to get changed from her uniform.

"-like I'm drifting away, your love comes in waves your love comes in waves-"

Cutting off as her phone started to ring, Michiru paused her music and put down her pencil. Checking the Caller ID, she blinked, confused.

"Hajime-kun? You didn't say you were calling tonight." She said, leaning back in her chair and pulling her feet up to tuck them against her bottom. The deep voice felt comforting against her ear as always.

"I felt like it." He said. The phone bussed with some feedback when he spoke, but she knew he always had bad signal so didn't mind. "I'm sorry for getting so mad in front of you earlier."

Surprised, she shook her head- then realised he couldn't see her and replied, "No no, it's fine! You had every reason to get mad. I'm sorry for getting involved."

"I probably would have punched him if not, so it's good that you did." The soft chuckle sent a surge of excitement twisting through Michiru's heart, "Our team would be kinda lost without him as a Setter."

"They'd be lost without you, too, Hajime-kun!" She exclaimed, hating the sad sound in his voice. He laughed again, but this time, it was empty.

"I'm not even a regular. I'm not important at all-"

"You're not a regular yet!!" She interrupted, disliking that he was putting himself down so, "You're an amazing volleyball player and that team is lucky to have you! Plus, no one on the team right now can spike as strongly as you! I know, I watch them all the time!"

There was a soft laugh from down the line, and Michiru cut off, embarrassed. "Thanks, Takagi-san." He said, quietly. A strange sound whirred in the backround. "It's nice to know you believe in me."

"...mm." the black haired girl mumbled in reply, face red. She was glad she was talking to him on the phone. It was silent a moment, before a loud beep sounded, followed by a swear word. "Hajime-san?"

"Sorry. Just nearly got hit by a car, some assholes don't know how to drive." Michiru blinked. She'd assumed he was in his house like always, but apparently that was not the case. "Say, your house is number fourteen, right?"

At that, her heart leapt into her mouth "U-um, yeah, why-"

At the sound of showering against her window, she stood up and pulled her curtains wide. Hair plastered to his face and eyes squinted against the rain, Iwaizumi stood on the footpath in front of her house, gazing up at her. "Can you come downstairs?"

"Yes." She breathed, immediately dropping her phone and slipping into her shoes- paying no mind to the fact that she was in her polka dot pyjamas. Flinging the front door open, she was met immediately by the sight of a boy that dripped rainwater onto her porch. "Hajime-kun..?" Giving him a once over and coming to her senses, she closed the door behind her and hissed, "What are you doing here? You're drenched! What if you catch cold?"

"I don't care." He said, eyes not leaving hers for a second. "I wanted to see you."

"What about the game tomorrow? You have to be on top form!" She said, distressed, but also embarrassed. What did he mean? He wanted to see her? He smiled, wet fingers brushing a strand of hair out of her eyes.

"I know. That's why I'm here." Leaning close, he gently tilted her chin up, "I'm going to borrow some courage."

His lips brushed over hers for a moment, bringing warmth to the both of them, and then he stepped back out into the rain, turning and beginning the journey home. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

Touching her lips with wide eyes, Michiru stood still, watching until he was out of sight. When she finally brought herself to go back inside, she flopped down in her bed, heart pounding and brain whirling. Did that really just happen?

Her phone bleeped beside her head. Laying still a few more minutes, curiosity got the best of her. Her heart squeezed as she saw who the message was from.

To: Micchan

Sender: Hajime

RE: The Practice match tomorrow

Text: Coach is putting me in the starting line up. Make sure you cheer for me... not Kusokawa.

Clutching her phone to her chest, she wasn't sure whether to grin or collapse in a fit of nervous squeals.

Of course she'd cheer for him.

Okay, allllll done. Iwa-chan got a very shoujoish oneshot lmao

But hey, you asked for fluffy so you got fluffy (*^ワ^*)

So this means I have four requests slots open now! See the request slots chapter for details c:

Hope you enjoyed, @Kasuii

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