[For My Followers : Tsukishima Kei]

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"Keiii... can't we do something fun today?" Curled up on top of his bed, Kotori scrolled through her Facebook newsfeed, while Tsukishima skim-read a magazine. She paused to laugh at a picture of a pug dressed as Pocahontas, then sighed. "All we seem to do is sit around and do our own thing."

"We did something fun yesterday." He said, a small smirk turning his lips but his eyes remaining on the article. She flushed.

"That doesn't count!" The brunette slapped her palm into his chest. He gave a snort of suppressed laughter, dropping the magazine in favour of pinning her arms down to stop her hitting him again. One arm was sufficient for that.

"I beg to differ." Returning to his magazine, he more or less ignored her as she rolled to lay on her side, facing away from him. Sneakily, the girl stretched her arms out, acting as though yawning, then coughed to cover the click noise. Laughing silently to herself, she went to her instagram page- the one devoted to sneak shots of her boyfriend. It had started as revenge for him treating her coldly when they were supposed to be dating, catching him unaware in embarrassing situations- but it had soon gained quite a following.

Giggling to herself, she posted the photo after adding a few stickers to it. He would definitely be mad if he saw- since he was wearing the T-rex onesie she had bought him for his birthday. He only wore it when she guilt tripped him into it but she knew he loved it.

"What are you laughing about?" Quickly locking her phone, she twisting round, to see the blonde megane staring at her critically. Grinning, she waved a hand.

"Nothing, nothing." Thinking quickly, Kotori changed the subject. "Hey, Kei, have you ever seen T-rex parkour?"

His usual blank expression seemed to perk up in interest. Kotori grinned, reaching into the pocket of his onesie. Kei smirked, "Little close there, Kotori." Glaring at her boyfriend, the brunette muttered the words "Ero-Tsukki" and retrieved his phone. Unlocking it, she searched for the youtube video, turning the volume up and then handing him the phone.

Leaving him to it, Kotori went downstairs to his kitchen to grab a bottle of water. A loud, almost scream-like sound made her jump, and she sprinted back up the stairs. Was he being murdered?

Instead of homicide, Kotori was greeted by the sight of the blonde laughing hysterically, tears streaming down his face. His hand pressed to his mouth, but he couldn't seem to contain the shrieks.

Quickly, Kotori unveiled her phone, managing to get the whole thing on video from behind the door to his bedroom. She bit down hard on her lip to contain her own giggles; his laughter was infectious.

As soon as this video was finished, Tsukki fell back onto his bed, breathing hard and the odd chuckle still managing to escape as he wiped his eyes. Kotori grinned.

"You liked it then." She snickered, approaching him, "You sounded like a dying whale, Kei."

Unable to force his grin into a scowl, Kei just jabbed her lightly in the ribs, "Shut up, you."

Kotori just laughed, letting him pull her down beside him. She'd got some good material for her Instagram.


"Ah, Tsukki!" Yamaguchi called to his blonde best friend as he caught sight of him in the hallway, running over.

"What?" The blonde asked, noting the strange look on the freckled boy's face.

Coming to a stop in front of the lockers, Tadashi fidgeted. "Um, Tsukki, you have an Instagram, right?"

Closing his locker and swinging his bag over his shoulder, Kei frowned, "You know I do."

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