[White Day : Haiba Lev]

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[White Day : Haiba Lev]

"Seriously." I muttered to myself, kicking a stone and scuffing my shoes along the floor as I exited the hallway. "I don't understand what's going through his head sometimes..."

I jammed my hands into my pockets. After the day I'd had, I couldn't wait to get home and just relax in the tub. I grunted in annoyance, "Why do I even bother?"

Finally reaching the exit to the school, I pulled my hood down over my face, stretching the material as though I could let out some of my frustrations that way. "Embarrassing me like that..." my cheeks reddened even at the thought. Exclaiming so loudly about getting something for White Day... "I was only returning the favour, jeez..."

It wasn't that I disliked Lev. Rather, I found him amusing at times. And, the way his arms and legs- heck, his whole body- were just impossibly long was rather interesting to me. He honestly wasn't a bad guy, and his actions always came from the right place, he was just, how to say... annoying.

It was annoying when he called out to me in the hallway, annoying when he invited himself into my third year classroom at lunchbreak, annoying when he draped himself over my desk, and annoying when he encroached on my study time after school to leech homework assistance from me. And it was especially, especially annoying when he exclaimed that, as I was returning his Valentines gift (a handwritten card in his messy scrawl of an excuse for kanji and a small stuffed lion on a keychain that he'd won out of an arcade game) with chocolate on White Day that meant I accepted his feelings. Everyone in my class had turned around to stare at me and my supposed First year crush, and it made me incredibly embarrassed. Just because I had felt obliged to return his gift.

"Tch!" I dug inside my bag, finding the lion keychain, and squeezed it in my fist, preparing to throw. I stopped at the last minute, sighing. It left a bad taste in my mouth to throw away something someone had given me... even if that someone was Haiba. He'd been sure to tell me that he'd spent ages in the arcade trying to win it, so how could I throw it away? I wasn't that insensitive. Besides, it was cute.

Not to mention different. I'd gotten all sorts of chocolate from my fans (all girls) and even cakes, but this was the only stuffed animal. And, incidentally, the only thing I'd gotten from a boy.

That, and the cat he named after me in his Neko Atsume game. I wasn't really sure how I felt about that.

"Yuu-ki-chan!" Every syllable emphasised, and full of energy. I knew who it was without even turning around.

"How many times? It's Ueno-san. U-e-no-san." I smacked Lev lightly in the forehead with my palm on each syllable. "Have some respect for your elders, Haiba!"

He pouted, "But Yuuki-chan sounds cuter..."

A shiver ran up my spine, and my cheeks pinkened. Scowling, I turned away from him, speeding up my walking. "Yeah well we're not that close yet!"

"Yet..?" He repeated, the grin on his face obvious in his tone. "So we will be one day?"

Steam flew from my head in annoyance, "Don't read so deeply into everything!"

"But if I don't, I'll get discouraged." He said, simply, easily keeping pace with me. It was weird to see him serious, and when I looked up at him, he was staring back intensely. Then, he grinned, "I'm gonna win your heart just like it's volleyball. You wait!"

With that, he ran off, back into the school, leaving me stood there with an irritated expression. I shouldn't have been surprised he'd say something so stupid and cheesy.

"What..." I muttered, feeling my face heating up as I gripped the lion keychain tightly, "That was so lame..."

Lol he's a dork

Check "Request slots" chapter for details on making a request

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