[Obstinacy ◇ Tanaka Ryuunosuke]

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Sup dudes

[Obstinacy ◇ Tanaka Ryuunosuke]

"...don't you think we've got a little... much?"

Looking at the basket piled high with food for our party, I squinted. "We're never going to eat all this..."

"Nonsense!" Ryuu laughed, putting his free hand on his hip. "You haven't met the guys yet. Nishinoya has one hell of an appetite." He jumped, "Ah! We need chicken nuggets!"

I blinked, then grabbed his collar "We're not made of money, I'm not cooking food too!"

He blinked at me again, looking bewildered. Then he shook his head. "No, no! Hangover food!"

"Ah." I let him go. I had said to him before we needed to get something so that none of us in the flat ordered pizza instead. The five of us in our Dorm flat were supposed to be penny-pinching at the moment.

He grinned, darting off in the direction of the freezer aisle of the supermarket. "You wait there with the basket!"

I sighed, but couldn't help but smile at his antics. From what I gathered, this was the first time in nearly a year that Ryuu would see his teammates from his High school volleyball team. Apparently they were all making the journey down to our University. Even the new Captain- I couldn't remember his name but Tanaka had made it clear he wasn't usually the type to make an effort with people. I'd seen one of their matches- he was scarily tall. It made me nervous to think about meeting such a stand-offish person.

Supposedly the current Vice Captain had mellowed out a lot too, but didn't actually like the Captain. Ryuu had spent many hours telling me about how the Vice was very energetic and excitable, and thus really struggled with the blonde guy, who was the complete opposite.

"But that's what makes them such a good combination as leaders!" He'd said, seeming proud of his kouhai.

"I got them!" Ryuu dumped a plastic bag of chicken dippers on top of all the snacks in the basket. He was grinning so wide he looked like his face would break. I chuckled as he hoisted the basket back onto his arm. "Ahh, heavy--!"

"You're real excited about this, aren't you?" I said, smiling, and he looked round.

"Of course!" He beamed, "Everyone's coming! It'll be good to see how those troublemakers have matured now that they're third years."

I snorted, "You can't say anything about troublemakers, Ryuu."

He flinched, looking hurt, "Rude..!"

I shoulder butted him, walking ahead to get quickly to the free checkout. "You know I like you how you are anyways." I grinned, and he blinked. Pursing his lips and flushing slightly, he dumped the basket on the end of the conveyor belt to start emptying it.

"Y...yeah." noticing his expression, I flushed too. I hadn't meant it like that...!

"Wh...whatever! Are we gonna buy any bags??" The cashier looked over at us as I spoke, but Ryuu shook his head.

"No way! We can totally carry this much!" He said, frowning. I knew I shouldn't have asked this stingy guy. I should have just got some anyway.

"There's quite a lot..." I said, unsure, noticing the look on the cashier's face.

"I have long arms!" The undercut guy insisted "And the car is literally two minutes away."

I rolled my eyes, sighing. There was no arguing with him sometimes. "Fine... but you're carrying the bottles."

"Okay!" He said, sounding pumped. We split the bill, and I held out my arms, letting him load me up with bags of crisps and chocolate and such. Balancing carefully, I waited for him to pick up the remaining items, and then walked carefully out of the shop.

"I wonder how that Tsukishima's managing the team, anyway...?" Ryuu asked as we walked, more to himself than me. "When we first started playing together I never would have pinned him as a Captain candidate..."

"Well, you can ask him later, right?" I said, seeing that he was feeling quite melancholic. I knew he missed his high school volleyball days. I laughed, "And I'm sure they'll have something to say to you as well..."

He flushed, knowing I was referring to his hair. "U-urusai! It's not that big a difference!"

"If you say so, Buddha-sama!" I laughed and he ground his teeth.

"Shut yer mouth, bowl cut..." he grumbled, and I just laughed. He was so salty...

Next thing I knew, several smacking noises sounded (along with a grumbled curse), and I turned around to see that Ryuu was now holding one solitary packet of wotsits, everything else that had previously been in his grip pooled around his feet. A bottle of Coke was rolling away from us, so I stuck my foot out in an attempt to trap it, only to lose my balance and drop all the bags of snacks I was carrying.

The two of us stood in silence for a moment, and I smacked him over the head, deadpan. "This is why we needed bags."

He scowled, embarrassed. "Yeah, yeah. Help me get these."

Loading up the bottles of carbonated drinks into his grip once more, I snorted, "You're opening these."

He balked, "Wh- no fair!"

Requests are still open dudes. I lost the name of the person who requested this one bc my inbox was randomly cleared...

I thought of this while at work (i work in a supermarket haha) and I might do a sequel. So I can bring in Captain Tsukki and Vice Hinata ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

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