[Loud : Kuroo Tetsurou]

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...Requests are open. XD

God damn Dad Captains I love it

[Loud : Kuroo Tetsurou]


That word buzzed around in Mirai's brain.


She was, at that moment, sat in her school's library, eyes hastily skimming her Biology textbook while her hand scribbled notes.

Focus. Ignore them.

"Uwa! Miraicchi's fast!" Flipping to a page about Respiration, she struck a line across the page, giving a new subheading.

Focus, Mirai. Ignore the talking.

"Of course! Our Manager is brainy, we knew that already!" The boasting tone was also ignored... though it was an obvious ploy for attention. Or perhaps it was because of that that it was ignored.

Focus, Mirai. Loud.

"Why are you bragging, Kuroo, it's not like you're the one getting good grades..." the quiet voice was less obtrusive than the others, piping up for the first time.

Ignore it. Focus.

"Kenma, how could you?" And now crocodile tears.


Laughter burst out from the others.


Noticing that she'd written down the same word about four times, Mirai straightened up in her seat, placing down her pen on the desk with a quietly deafening snap. As if a demon had been summoned, all occupants of the table turned to look at the silently fuming girl.

"I didn't mind all of you tagging along while I studied. I said that," her voice remained quiet and her expression deadpan, but there was an agitated fire behind Mirai's eyes. "Provided you remain quiet enough for me to focus. I have an exam tomorrow."

No one dared say a word, until the group of boys finally looked to their Captain, seeking direction. Noticing this, Kuroo gave an off smile- he too was terrified of the girl's quiet rage- and attempted to find himself an out, slinging an arm around his girlfriend's neck.

"You heard the lady, you guys are too loud! Go and give us some peace!" He said, giving a slight cheeky grin, and hoping the embarrassment at his contact would quell the girl's anger. The volleyball club left their Captain and Manager, muttering about the utter betrayal, and Tetsurou finally stopped draping himself lazily over the girl.

She was pink cheeked, but still looked irked as she returned to her studies. "You were the one making the most noise, Tetsu." Mirai said quietly, giving him a sharp look. He flinched, then sighed and rested his chin in his arms on the desk, watching her. A slow grin pulled his lips at the heat that claimed her face under his gaze.

"Sorry." The bedheaded boy didn't seem very sincere, "I wanted to get rid of them, though. I've had enough of sharing you for today."

Her ears turned pink, and he rested his cheek on his palm. "Cute..."

Granting her wish, Tetsurou kept quiet for a good while, opting to simply sleep away the time- unwisely, I might add, since he had exams on the way too- that his girlfriend spent studying. Waking himself with a snort, he blinked, slowly realising that his studybug had her head in her notes and pencil shavings stuck to her cheek.

Chuckling, he brushed them off- obviously, not before taking a photo- and gently shook her awake. "Mirai. Don't sleep in the library."

He was grinning as she sat up sleepily, and she scowled lightly, "You can't talk..."

He shrugged, slinging his bag and then hers over his shoulder, and then offering his free hand. "C'mon, I'll take you home."

Taking it without question, she yawned wide. "Okay..."

She was barely paying attention as they walked. In fact, Kuroo swore that, when he glanced over once, she had her eyes closed. This became certain when she nearly tripped into a lamp post.

"Jeez..." he sighed, though found it kind of entertaining, "Just how little sleep have you had lately, Mirai?"

She yawned again, "Enough..."

"Liar... come on. I'm carrying you." That seemed to wake her up a bit. But before she could protest, he gave her a scolding look, and crouched down. "Get on before you walk into traffic or something."

Considerably red, she did as she was told, wrapping her arms loosely round his neck. "I wouldn't, you had hold of my hand, Tetsu..."

"Wouldn't save you falling in a manhole though, now would it?" He retorted, tucking his hands under her knees. He got no response. She was already drifting to sleep feeling the warmth of his jaw and the rumble of that loud voice deep in his chest.

Finally wrote smth again, yay me

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