[Shopping : Oikawa Tooru]

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Jeeeesus do people really not like OC stories? I just like writing in first or third person... or I should say, I hate writing in second person xD

I will take xreader requests though if I have to. Just gives me more creative freedom to write in third person. Plus writing in first makes me embarrassed (=ω=.)

But honestly, which do you guys prefer? I'm going to try and do more first person since I've gotten out of practice with it. But drop me a comment which you like better (。-ω-)

Anyways, enough from me. Enjoy c:

[Shopping : Oikawa Tooru]

"Oikawa!" Suppressing the urge to insult him, I came to a stop just to his side, fidgeting with the hem of the skirt I was wearing. I didn't wear a lot of skirts, preferring shorts or jeans, but my friends had insisted that I had to dress up for my first date with this trashcan. Even though he was, well... a trashcan.

Date... I flushed slightly and looked downward, scowling. Why was a doing this again?

I finally forced myself to look up, determined not to let his overwhelming presence get the best of me, only to find that he was just staring at me, saying nothing. His face was red.

His blush caused me to do the same, so I punched him. "What are you staring at? Kusokawa."

"Ow..." shit... first date and I'd already punched him. But, it was his fault for staring, right? I knew I shouldn't have worn a skirt... "Gomen," he spoke lightly, and looked back up at him. His expression was soft, "I just wasn't expecting Hiro-chan to have dolled up for me~"

I jumped, even more embarrassed now. "Sh-shut up! Kusokawa! Trashykawa!" I stomped ahead, tossing insults behind me. "Kusokawa Tooru!"

"Hiro-chan is so tsundere!" He teased, easily catching up and then keeping pace with me. Stupid tall long-legged model type person.

I folded my arms, exhaling my embarrassment. "So, where exactly are we going? You dragged me out here, so you better have a plan, Oikawa...."

He winked at me, "Don't worry! I made a lunch reservation, okay!"

I just stared at him. I was used to his flair, but did he have to keep using English at random points in his sentences? It was like he had stars shooting out of his body... "Weirdo."

"Wha-?" He pulled a downtrodden face, "Mean, Hiro-chan!"

I just sighed. "So we have time to kill then, right? It's still only morning."

I rubbed my eyes. Maybe I was feeling grumpy because I was tired. I was not a morning person. "Yeah, I thought we could have a shop around first!" He winked at me (again!!), sticking out his tongue, "If you're a good girl, I'll buy you a present!"

I twitched, glaring at him. "Can I hit you?" He had quickly drawn his hands into a block, seeming to have already predicted my reaction.

I wasn't one for shopping usually but shopping with Oikawa was impossibly entertaining. I found myself laughing more often than I'd like- since I found it very embarrassing to do so with this idiot- especially when he tried on a floral wedding hat.

"You're such an idiot..." I said, suppressing chuckles. He grinned, sticking an even bigger, frillier monstrosity atop my head, using his hand to turn my head so that I was facing his waiting camera. I jerked away, but not before the click, and blushed dark- I hated having my picture taken, too. But, seeing the happy look on his face, I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

"Hiro-chan!" I perked up at the sound of my name, gaze drawn away from the various sparkling jewels in front of me. Immediately, I pulled a face- I knew this expression.

"...What?" Wary, I backed off a little bit. That was his begging face.

"Split one of these with me?" Squinting, I moved slightly closer, just enough to see what he was talking about.

It was one of those cheesy couples necklaces where you have two chains, each with one half of a heart one the end. His eyes sparkled. "No way."

He simpered, "Please?? You wouldn't do Purikura..." he pouted. Damn it.

"Fine... but I'm not paying."

"Of course!" He exclaimed, skipping excitedly to go buy the set. When he returned, he made me turn around.

"I can do it myself..." I grumbled, but he just clicked his tongue, threading the chain around my neck. Then, he thrust the box in my hands, turning around himself. He was fidgeting with excitement, so I swatted his head. "Keep still!"

Once I'd put it on, he turned back around, touching the new chain adorning his neck lightly and grinning. I'd never seen him look so happy. "Now everyone knows that Hiro-chan is mine!"

I glared at him. "Was that your motive in this?"

He flinched, smiling nervously, "Um, of course not?"

I sighed heavily, scowling as I walked away.

"Hiro-chan!" He cried. I decided to just ignor him until we got to the restaurant. It was about time for our reservation anyway.... sneaky bastard.

Even so, I couldn't help but blush.

But then, he went into sulk mode. Squatted on the path outside the restaurant, he poked a bug crawling in front of him.

"Oikawa..." I sighed.

"Are you not having fun?" He looked so upset that even I felt a pang of guilt. "I did kinda force you out here..."

I stared at him, then sighed, "I am having fun." My cheeks warmed, "I just... I'm nervous."

"Hiro-chan just keeps getting angry at me..." he sulked, and I scowled, guilt making me even grumpier.

"One thing!" He looked up in surprise, "I'll do one thing of your choosing to make it up with you." I grumbled, looking away, "Then will you stop sulking like a little kid?"


"Within reason, Erokawa." I said bluntly, and he flinched. But, he seemed to be thinking about it.

"Then... I want you to call me by my first name." He said, and I rose my eyebrows.

"That's stupid." I said automatically.

"It isn't!" His voice rose in pitch slightly in protest, "You always call Iwa-chan by his first name, and Kindaichi, but I always get called by my surname! So I want Hiro-chan to call me Tooru." Sticking out his lower lip stubbornly, I could see that this was something of a sore point for him. Did it really upset him that much? I supposed that it had to suck being the only one who didn't get called with such familiarity...

I breathed out a heavy sigh. I was bound to have to start calling him by forename sooner or later anyway... I mean, we were...dating...

With a read face, I stammered, "Fine... T-To..." this was surprisingly hard. "Toor-..." my face was bright red by this point. Why was it so hard to say his damn name? Because of what it symbolised? "Tooru."

He shuddered and bolted upright, head whipping round to stare at me. I looked down, covering my mouth with my hand. That was embarrassing...

But I'd done it. I felt somewhat relieved. Straightening up, I faced him, determined, "Tooru-"

I was stopped by his hand over my mouth. He'd turned away from me, and seemed to be trembling slightly. The tips of his ears were red.

Finally letting go of me and meeting my eyes, he smiled, sweating somewhat. "Ah, gomen, Hiro-chan. I don't think I can handle that just yet..." laughing nervously, he changed the subject, "Shall we go inside?"

I stared at him a moment longer, finally giving in and letting him take my hand.


Aaaaaaaaaaa that was cute. Special move: Call first name was super effective

Hahahahahahaaaaaa embarrassed Tooru is my fav

Remember, requests are open c:

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