Naya's House

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It's been a while since Molly and I have seen Naya, I know Molly really misses her. It sucks because I've overheard Mom and Naya talk about a divorce a lot lately.

"Hannah, you're mom is on the phone do you want to talk to her?" Demi asks

"Sure" I say then Demi hands me the phone

Me: Hi mom

Naya: Hi sweetheart, how are you?

Me: I've been okay, what about you?

Naya: Just okay? and I've been alright

Me: Honestly it's been hard on Molly and I not having you around

Naya: I'm sorry

Me: It's fine I guess

Naya: No it's not, I've been a terrible mom

Me: Anyway, have you and momma made a final decision?

Naya: We have, but ill let Demi tell you

Me: Oh okay

Naya: I did want to ask you something

Me: What is it?

Naya: Would you and Molly like to come stay the night at my house tonight?

Me: yeah that sounds cool

Naya: great! I'll pick you guys up around 6

Me: sounds good, we'll see you soon

Naya: I love you

"What did she have to say?" Demi asks as she comes in the room

"She asked if Molly and I want to stay the night at her house" I tell her

"What did you say?" She asks

"I said yeah," I say

"Oh okay, is she picking you guys up?" Demi asks

"Yeah around 6" I tell her

"Okay" she says

"Who's picking us up around 6?" Molly asks

"Mom" I tell her

"MOM?!" She says excitedly

"We're staying the night" I tell her

"YAY" she shouts and runs upstairs

"I should probably help her pack" Demi laughs

"Good idea" I say

Demi runs after Molly and I head upstairs to pack my own bag. I pack jeans and a t-shirt for tomorrow and pajamas for tonight then all the other important things and bring my bag downstairs. Molly comes down soon with her bag and looks out the window.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask her

"Watching for mom" she tells me

"You do that" I laugh

"Hannah come here" Demi Says and motions to follow her in the kitchen

"What's up?" I ask

"make sure Naya doesn't say anything about us in front of your sister" she tells me

"Got it" I say

Just then we here a honk from outside. "That must be her" I say.

"Let's go!!" Molly Says

"Okay" I laugh

"I love you" I say and give demi a hug goodbye

"I love you too, and you too little miss" Demi Says as she hugs the two of us "Behave yourselves"

"We will, see you tomorrow" I say as I pick up our stuff "ready Molly?"

"Yes, bye mommy!" She says

"Bye baby" Demi Says

Molly and I leave and head over to Naya's car. Molly climbs in the back then I put our stuff next to her.

"Hi girls!" Naya says

"Hi mom" Molly and I say simultaneously

"How've you been?" She asks

"Pretty good" I tell her

"So I was thinking tonight we eat pizza and watch movies then tomorrow hang out at the mall or something" Naya says

"Sounds good" I say

Naya pulls into a parking lot of a small apartment and parks around back.

"An apartment?" I question

"Don't need a huge house for one person" she states

"True" I say

We climb out of the car and I grab our stuff. Naya takes Mollys hand then we walk up. There are way too many stairs for my liking.

"Well this is it" Naya says as she opens the door.

"Cozy" I state as we walk inside

"It is" Naya agrees "follow me I'll show you your room"

Molly and I follow Naya down a small hallway to a room with just enough space for the two of us to share.

"I hope it's okay" she says

"It's just fine" I say as I set our stuff on one of the beds

"Well you guys go ahead and get settled in while I make some snacks" she says

"Okay." I say

We're going to watch a movie or two before going to bed. After getting our stuff situated Molly and I change into our pajamas and head downstsirs.

"What movie are we watching?" Molly asks

"The good dinosaur?" Naya suggests.

"Yay!" Molly cheers

Naya laughs and puts the movie in, Molly falls asleep near the end of the movie so we call it a night.

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