Boy Drama

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I've been sitting here wondering if Ashton gave me his real number. You're probably thinking "call and find out" and believe me I've considered it. I don't want to seem too eager. I hear a knock at the door then Demi comes in.

"Whatcha doing kiddo?" She asks

"Contemplating on calling ashton or not" I tell her

"Just do it, being nervous makes it worse" she tells me

"Alright I'll call" I say

I pull up Ashton's number and take a deep breath then hit the call button. Some girl answers and I knew it would be to good to be true.

Me: hi, is a guy by the name of ashton there? He gave me this number

Girl: yeah sure?

*puts ashton on the phone*

Ashton: look Hannah I can't talk right now

Hannah: *angrily* no we need to talk now. Why would you give me your number if you have a girlfriend?

Ashton: whoa don't jump to conclusions

Hannah: then who answered your phone?

Ashton: can we talk about this somewhere else?

Hannah: fine meet me at the park in 10

Ashton: ugh fine

We hang up and I put my shoes on and grab Demi's keys.

"Mom I'm going to the park I won't be long" I call

I drive to the park and find a tree. I sit my stuff under the tree and climb up. I love sitting on tree branches. When I see ashton I yell that I'm up here. He climbs up and sits next to me.

"Start explaining" I say

"I broke up with her like 2 weeks ago but she won't get the hint" ashton explains

"Oh I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions" I say

"It's okay" ashton smiles

Ashton reaches over and takes my hand, I scoot closer to him. We look at each other and lean in. We kiss, and it feels amazing.

"Ashton what the hell are you doing?" Some girl screams

"Fuck" ashton curses under his breath

Ashton climbs down the tree and I follow.

"Why are you kissing my boyfriend?" The girl screams

"Boyfriend? Ashton said you two broke up" I say

"He's lying get the fuck away from him" she growls

"No" I say confidently

"Whoa both of you calm down" ashton says

"You need to explain" I growl

"I was only trying to make you feel special you looked like you needed a smile and I really only want to be your friend" ashton explains

Tears start forming in my eyes so I grab my stuff and drive home. Once I'm home I run upstairs and slam my door shut.

"Hannah what's wrong?" Demi asks

"Nothing mom I'm fine" I say

Just as Demi's about to say something there's a knock at the door. She goes down to see who it is and I follow. I see that it's ashton so I hide.

"Ashton what are you doing here?" Demi asks

"I came to talk to Hannah I need to apologize" ashton says

"Explain" Demi demands

"I gave her my number at the concert because I want to be friends with her but I led her on thinking I liked her and we kissed..." Ashton explains

"Get the hell out of here ashton" Demi fumes

Ashton leaves and I run upstairs. Demi comes in my room, she looks pissed.

"Why didn't you tell me he did that to you?" Demi fumes

"I wanted to handle it myself" I state

"You never let me help anymore" Demi groans

"Well I'm growing up I don't always want your help" I say

"Just let me in" Demi begs

"No" I yell

"Don't yell at me" Demi says feriously

"Don't treat me like a child" I scream

Demi comes up to me and smacks me then leaves my room. I grab my phone, earbuds, charger, some clothes, and my guitar then sneak out through my window. Everything is packed in my guitar case so I run and don't stop.

It's getting late now and I can't really see where I'm going without the flashlight on my phone so I find an alley and curl up.

What do you guys think will happen to Hannah?

Will someone find her?

How will Demi react?

Will Hannah forgive Demi?

Demi Lovato Adopted MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant