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Demi and Naya left for Chichen Itza and it's just molly and I. Molly's still pretty upset they Demi's gone so hopefully she'll be okay. Right now we're just hanging out. Molly's playing with her dolls and I'm watching tv.

"Hannah come play with me" Molly calls

I go upstairs and sit on the floor. Molly hands me a doll and we play. I hate when people are stereotypical about older siblings. I'm not like them at all. I love playing with Molly and hanging out with her. Just the little things make me happy. We have this special bond and I couldn't ask for anything different.

"I'm hungry" Molly announces

"I'll go make lunch" I say "what do you want?"

"Grilled cheese" Molly smiles

"Okay" I laugh

Molly and I go downstairs and I get stuff together for grilled cheese. As I make it the stove catches on fire.


Molly runs to the door but can't reach the handle. I run over to the door and we both run out. Then I call 911.

Operator: how may I help you?

Hannah: I caught my stove on fire and don't know how to put it out

Operator: we'll send a fire truck over

Hannah: thank you

I hang up and I fire truck shows up 5 minutes later. By now the fire has spread and the whole kitchen is on fire. Firemen run inside and put the fire out. Molly runs to me and starts crying.

"Molly it's okay" I whisper

"I'm scared" she tells me

"I know baby but your safe" I tell her

"Ma'am" a fireman says

I pick Molly up and look at him.

"Yes" I say

"Your kitchen is pretty much destroyed but the rest of your house is fine" he tells me

"okay thank you" I say

The firemen leave and I bring Molly inside.

"Stay with me okay" I tell her

"Okay" she says

I bring her up to her room and we pack some stuff to take with us to wherever we're going to stay. We then go to my room and do the same. I call marissa and she's coming to get us.

When marissa pulled up we jumped in the car and we left.

"So what happened?" She asks

"I may have caught the kitchen on fire while trying to make grilled cheese" I say

"Smart one" marissa replies

When we get to marissas Molly and I bring our stuff inside and marissa makes grilled cheese for Molly. I decided to text Demi.

Hannah: have you gotten to Chichen Itza yet?

Demi: no but we're almost there

Hannah: I thought that I should let you know I caught the kitchen on fire


Hannah: I was trying to make grilled cheese...

Demi: are you girls okay?

Hannah: yeah. We're with marissa now

Demi: okay. Don't burn anything else

Hannah: I won't

Demi: okay good(:

Hannah: alright well I love you

Demi: I love you too

I sit my phone down and eat a grilled cheese with marissa and Molly.

After we eat marissa puts in frozen for Molly and we go upstairs.

"How do we fix the kitchen?" Marissa asks

"Well it's just the inside and the walls are fine so we could replace everything I don't know" I say

"That's probably the best option" Marissa says

"I'll start looking at stuff" I announce

"We can just go to Home Depot and talk to them when Molly's done watching frozen" marissa suggests

"Okay" I say


I hear running and Molly dives onto marissas bed. I start laughing and so does marissa.

"Get your shoes on we're going to go get stuff to fix the kitchen" I tell Molly

She says okay and runs downstairs. Marissa and I follow and we head out the door. The Home Depot is huge! I never expected it to be this big. We walk inside and marissa goes to the flooring section. Molly and I follow.

"What about this?" Marissa asks us

She's holding up a piece of blue flooring that looks really cool.

"It's cool!" Molly says excitedly

"I like it too" I say

Marissa goes to talk to someone about getting it installed when a bunch of girls run up to Molly and I. I pick Molly up and try to calm the girls down.

"Whoa whoa whoa one at a time" I say

The girls quiet down and I let them talk. I take pictures with them and Molly. Afterwords Molly and I go find marissa.

Apparently marissa already got cabinets and everything ordered and everything will start to be put in tomorrow. We go back to marissas and she orders a pizza for dinner.

After pizza I bring Molly upstairs and get her ready for bed. Once she's settled I get a call from Demi.

Hannah: hello

Demi: hey baby girl

Hannah: how's Chichen iza?

Demi: it's amazing! How are you guys?

Hannah: we're fine. Molly just went to bed and I'm headed in that direction

Demi: alright well goodnight

Hannah: night

I hung up and got myself ready for bed. In the night I dream about Demi and naya holding a baby. It's the cutest thing ever. I wake up around noon to find out the kitchen is almost done.

I get up and get dressed then go downstairs. Molly's watching tv and marissa is nowhere to be found. I go in the kitchen and see a note saying marissa is at our house. I make Molly a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch and I have cereal. We eat then Molly plays with the dolls she brought with her. I get on twitter for a few minutes then make a keek. It's basically just Molly playing.

Marissa gets back and tells me the house is done and we can either go back or stay. After talking to Molly we decided to go ahead and go home.

Home sweet home

I had no idea what you all meant by fun drama so I put some drama in here but it's not horrible. For the next chapter it's going to focus on Demi and naya on their honeymoon. Should the two do anything really special or intimate or just hang out?

Demi Lovato Adopted MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant