Chichen Itza

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-warning sexual content-

It's been a couple days since we've seen the girls now because of our honeymoon. I wanted to go home as soon as I heard they caught the kitchen on fire but naya said they'll handle it, I hope she was right. Today's plans for naya and i are to go to the beach.

I start changing into my bathing suit and out of the corner of my eye I see naya staring at me.

"Like the view?" I ask

"Very much" she replies

"Well maybe you'll see more of it later then" I grin

"Ooh I hope" naya smiles

We grab our stuff and head to the beach. It's quiet out here today which is better on our part. We set up our stuff and sit down.

We decide to tan for a while but then get bored. Naya gets up and drags me to the water. When she's not paying attention I dunk her.

We splash each other and play around in the water for a while then decide to get lunch. There's a little restaurant on the beach so we head there. The food selection is well horrible so we decide to go back to the hotel.

After dinner we put in a movie and cuddle up to each other. Naya leans in to kiss me and I kiss her back.

She pushed me down onto the bed and starts kissing me more aggressively and Of course I kiss back. I slowly run my hands up her shirt sliding it off. She does the same to me. We go back to kissing for a few minutes before I unbuckle her bra. We finish undressing and the real fun begins.

Naya starts running her finger down my body but stops at my boobs. She gently caresses them then massages them as we kiss. She then starts to kiss down my neck. Naya keeps kissing down my body and stops at my vagina. She takes her fingers and slides them in and does the motions.

I feel my peak coming as I moan Nayas name. I grab the sheets and the orgasm happens. I let out a sigh as naya starts to lick me. She slides her tongue inside. We go back to kissing for a bit then we switch roles.

After our little session we fall into a deep sleep. In the morning I wake up feeling happy. I get up and get dressed then go make us breakfast. I decide on bacon and eggs, hopefully I won't burn them.

As I make breakfast Naya comes in and wraps her arms around me.

"Morning beautiful" she whispers

"Morning" I smile

I kiss her on the cheek then make our plates.

"You know you actually did a good job" naya states

"Yay" I laugh

As we eat my phone starts ringing so I go to see who it is.

Demi: hello

Molly: *crying* mommy

Demi: Molly what's wrong

Molly: I miss you *sniffles*

Demi: aww baby we come home tomorrow can you wait that long?

Molly: no

Demi: alright we'll come home today

Molly: okay

Demi: I love you baby

Molly: I love you too mommy

I hang up the phone and walk back over to the table.

"Naya we have to leave today instead of tomorrow" I announce

"Why?" Naya pouts

"Molly misses me too much and she's 4 so it's understandable" I explain

"Oh okay" naya says

I book a plane then we go pack. We still have a couple hours to kill so we relax in the hot tub for a bit.

The plane ride is quick and we're headed to the house now. I can't wait to squeeze the girls. We pull up and before getting our stuff I run inside.

"Guess who's home" I yell

"Mommy" Molly yells

I see Molly run into the room. I grab her and pick her up.

"I missed you mommy" she says

"I missed you too" I tell her

A minute later Hannah walks in and I hug her.

"It feels great to have my girls in my arms" I smile

"I'm glad your back mom" Hannah says

"whoa did you just call me mom" I say a bit taken back

"No I said Demi" she says quickly

"Oh" I frown

Molly and Hannah go up to their rooms and I get the stuff out of the car. Naya comes with me to help.

"Hannah called me mom" I say

"That's great Demi" naya smiles

"Yeah but then she denied it" I frown

"She'll come around Demi it'll just take some time and let her know it's okay to call you mom" naya says

"Hopefully" I sigh


I can't believe I called Demi mom. What if she doesn't want me to? What if it's to awkward? Ugh why did I have to be so stupid? What am I thinking of course Demi wants me to call her mom.

"Hannah can I come in?" Demi asks

"Uh yeah" I say

Demi walks in and sits on my bed.

"Hannah you know you can call me mom right? It would make me really happy" Demi tells me

"It would?" I ask

"Of course" Demi smiles

"I just thought you would feel awkward" I confess

"Of course not Hannah" Demi says softly

"Oh okay" I say

"You don't have to call me mom it's completely up to you" Demi says "I just want you to know it's okay"

"Okay" I smile

Demi starts to leave the room but I stop her.

"Oh hey" I say

Demi turns to look at me

"I love you mom" I smile

"I love you too Hannah" Demi smiles

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