Balloon Release

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Okay so I was writing about Trenton's balloon release but then everything got deleted and I really didn't want to rewrite it all so here's a quick chapter on what I was going to write

Demi POV.

Yesterday was 9 years since Trenton's death, believe me I still get emotional. Who doesn't? Anyway my family flew down to Texas and stayed at the old house for a few days before the release.

We all met up with Lorna and her family at Trenton's grave to release the balloons yesterday. It was cold, windy, and a little rainy. Lorna kept saying it was Trenton trying to say he's sad and misses us. Of course we all knew that wasn't the case but we knew not to say anything.

Molly behaved so well for a 5 year old not understanding what's going on. She had a lot of fun playing with the balloons before we even blew them up, she said they were finger puppets. When we were blowing them up she tried and it was the cutest thing. Of course I ended up helping, I knew I would have to. Hannah was so helpful and understanding with the whole thing. When Molly had questions she answered them so I wouldn't have to and she blew up so many balloons.

In a lot of ways I'm so glad I adopted her even though she's a Lovatic. I didn't have to explain everything about my past and all that to her and if Molly has a question about something that I might get upset about Hannah takes her in another room and talks to her about it. I'm honestly so thankful for my girls.

Back onto the Trenton topic, after we all blew up balloons I sang nightingale and said a little prayer. Everyone gave a speech and we let the balloons go. We talked for a bit and comforted anyone who was crying, I was bawling. But yeah after all that we went back to Lorna's and ate dinner. Around 8 Molly was getting tired so I said bye to everyone and headed back to the house.

Molly and Hannah both fell asleep when we got back, I don't blame them. I was tired too. In the morning we ate bacon and eggs for breakfast and started packing. As much as I wanted to stay longer I knew I couldn't. We went to the airport and flew back home. So now were here, we just got back home about an hour ago. It's 5:30 but since neither me or Hannah feel like cooking we're ordering a pizza. So after we eat and all that we all shower and head to bed. Today was honestly a boring day.

Guys I'm so sorry it took like a month to update I'll try really hard to not make it that long again.

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