Shes back!

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It's now been a month since I've seen Demi and I hate it. I miss X factor and demi and Molly. I want to go back to LA more than anything right now. LA is my happiness. Ever since I came out here I've been more depressed and can't stay strong no matter how hard I try. My dad deleted Demi's number out of my phone and took my computer and took the internet off my phone so I've had no communication with Demi either.

"Hannah come here" my dad calls

I walked downstairs and into the living room.

"Yeah?" I ask

"Your birthdays coming up what do you want?" He asks

"Plane tickets to LA" I say

"Give it up on LA you're not going" he sighs

"Please dad that's all I want" I say giving him the puppy dog face

"No" he replies

I just walked back upstairs and counted my money. Enough to get me there but not back. Oh well. My birthday is next week so I'll stay for a while.

I packed a suitcase of my important stuff and left stuff I wouldn't miss.

"I'm going to spend the night at Beccas" I tell my dad and leave

I went straight to the airport and bought the a ticket for the closest flight to LA available. It actually leaves in 10 minutes so I went through the motions and got on the plane.

I slept on the ride there and then got off. It's 10pm now so I'll have to sneak into Demi's house but I know whew she keeps her spare key so I'm good. I took a taxi to her house and let myself in.

As I walked to "my room" I heard Molly crying so I walked in.

"Molly baby what's wrong?" I ask her

"I miss Hannah and you gonna be mad" she sobs

"Sh hey baby Molly look at me it's okay" I say

"Hannah?" She asks

"Yeah baby it's me but be quiet I'm gonna surprise mommy in the morning" I tell her

"Okay" she whispered with a huge grin on her face

"Now let's get you cleaned up and change your sheets" I say

I brought Molly in the bathroom and cleaned her up. While I changed her sheets she changed. I don't know how Demi can't hear all this, She must be tired..

"Haannah you sleep with me?" Molly asks

"No baby mommy will see me if I do but I'll be in my room okay" I say

"Okay" Molly replies

I tucked her in and went to sleep in my room.

I woke up to Molly cuddled up to me. I didn't want to wake her up so I grabbed my phone and checked twitter.

There's a notification from Demi...

@ddlovato: my two favorite girls cuddled up together! Couldn't be happier 💕 -picture-

Then she mentioned me in a tweet

@ddlovato: wait? My two favorite girls um what? @hannaahlovatic is in Washington

Molly started waking up and she went downstairs for breakfast. I kept an eye on the two then went down and sat with them at a time demi wouldn't likely notice.

It's working, she still doesn't realize I'm here. It's actually quite funny.

I really want her to notice me so I'm going to tweet her. First I took a picture with Molly though

@hannaahlovatic: breakfast with my favorite 4 year old ❤️ -picture-

@hannaahlovatic: @ddlovato needs to open her eyes a little more and realize I'm sitting right in front of her

@ddlovato: @hannaahlovatic WHAT IM NOT DREAMING?!

I started laughing really hard at Demi's tweet

"No Demi you're not dreaming" I say

"OH MY GOSH WHEN? HOW?" Demi screams throwing her arms around me

"Calm down and I'll tell you" I laugh

"Okay okay" Demi says after taking a deep breath

"So my birthday is next week right and my dad asked me what I wanted, I said plane tickets to LA and he said no I even told him that's all I wanted and he would not let me come so I counted my money and I had enough to get me here so I packed all of my important things and stuff I didn't want leave behind and flew here without permission" I explain

"You shouldn't have done that and you know it" Demi says

"I know but I really need you like I need good and water to stay alive. You keep me strong and my dad took literally everything I had to do with you away accept for the stuff I hid" I say

"Hannah let me see your wrists" Demi says firmly

I sigh and take my jacket off revealing lots of new cuts and some older.

"Is there any more?" Demi asks with a tear rolling down her face

I didn't want to tell her the truth but I know she'd find out eventually so I just nodded my head yes.

"Molly stay down here I'm going to take hannah upstairs" Demi says

We walked upstairs and I sat on Demi's bed.

"Let me see your stomach now" Demi demands

I slowly lifted my stomach revealed only a couple cuts.

"Let me see your thighs" Demi sighs

I take my pants off and hang my head

"Baby girl don't worry I'm going to help you from now on no matter what" Demi says

"Demi I need to tell you something" I say quietly

"What is it baby girl?" Demi asks

"I'm afraid to ever leave you" I say "my stepmom hates me and doesn't treat me right and she and my dad fight over me all the time"

"Have either one of them hurt you in any way?" Demi asks

"Hurtful words" I say

"I really don't want you going back there" Demi announces

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket so I took it out and saw my dad calling.

H: hello?

HD: when are you coming home?

H: sometime after my birthday. Why?

HD: you're not staying over there that long

H: well I'm not coming home for a while

HD: you're not at Beccas are you?

H: nope

HD: where are you?

H: if I tell you you'll be pissed and make me come home

"Hannah language" Demi whispers

"Sorry" I whisper back

HD: you're in LA aren't you?

H: yup

HD: I told you you're not allowed to go there then you go without permission or telling me at all you are in so much trouble young lady

"Is she finally gone" Kate (my stepmom) yells in the background

H: well whatever I'm still not going back at least not for a while I'm actually happy with Demi and Molly unlike with you

HD: you're coming home tomorrow whether you like it or not

I hung up on my dad and walked over to Demi and hugged her.

"Demi I can't go back there I just can't" I cry

"I know and I'm going to try and get custody of you" Demi announces

"Really?" I say excitedly

"Of course" Demi smiles

"Mommy can I come up now" Molly calls

"Yes" Demi calls back

I heard Molly's little feet run up the stairs and she flew into my arms

"I love you molly" I tell her

"I love you to hannah" she replies

Demi had left the room and came back looking confused.

"Why does Molly have different sheets on her bed?" She asks

"Oh I changed them last night because she had an accident" I say

"Dang you're quiet" Demi says

"Are you mad mommy?" Molly asks

"Of course not baby" Demi says

"I was walking to my room and I heard her crying so I walked in and she said she missed me and wet the bed so I calmed her down and took care if it" I explain

"Well thank you" Demi says "and Molly next time come wake me up"

"Okay mommy" Molly says

"I have X factor so Hannah could you watch her?" Demi asks

"Of course! But I'm still coming" I reply

We all got ready and headed over to X factor.

Hannah and Molly sat with max and I went to the chairs.


"Hey do any of you want to perform? Katy bailed on us" Simon asks

"I have an idea!" I announce

"What's that?" Simon asks

"Hannah's back but I don't know for how long so why don't we have her perform" I suggest

"That's a great idea" Kelly says

"Yeah!" Paulina adds

"Okay then so be it" Simon says

"Hannah come here" I call to hannah

"Yeah?" She says

"Do you want to sing since Katy bailed?" I ask

"OMG yes!" Hannah replies

"Okay so what song do you want to do?" I ask

"Um how about heart attack?" Hannah suggests

"Oh please no more Demi songs" Simon begs

Hannah and I both rolled our eyes.

"It's whatever you want" I say

"Okay let know when to go up" Hannah says

The show was starting so I nodded my head and Hannah went back to her seat.

I peeked back at the girls here and there and they were adorable.

Once it hit halfway through the show I told Hannah to go get in position and Mario started to introduce her.

"And now we have a special guest! Come on out Hannah!"

Hannah walked out with a huge smile on her face and the music for my song aftershock started playing.

"That girl can sing!" Kelly says

"I wish she could've stayed" Paulina adds

"It's still early on in the competition maybe I can squeeze her in" Simon announces


Everyone looked at me funny and Hannah started laughing.

"First of all Demi, language and second are you alright?" Hannah laughs

"Sorry" I laugh

Hannah walks off stage and runs over to me with worry in her eyes.

"Demi my dad texted me saying he got LA police to look for me" Hannah says

"Okay sorry guys gotta to" I tell Simon Kelly and Paulina

I grabbed Molly and max and we left.

"Alright time to go file for custody" I announce

"But what if you don't win and they make me go back" Hannah panics

"Your dad could easily file for kidnapping so I have to do this and I will fight until I win" I say

"Alright let's go then" Hannah sighs

Max drove me to the police station and we all walked in.

"Um excuse me" I say

"Yes" the officer says

"Id like to file for full custody of her" I say looking over to Hannah

"Who has custody of her now" the officer asks

"Her father" I state

"And why do you want custody?" She asks

"I feel as if I could provide for her better and she would be living in a safer environment" I explain

"Okay let me set you up with a social worker" the officer says

We stood there while she made a call and waited for a social worker.

"Hannah and Demetria" someone says as they walk in the room

We followed the person into a private room while max watched Molly.

"Before we can set a court date we need to hear your side of the story" the social worker says to hannah

"Well I met Demi at the X factor auditions and we immediately clicked. She knows my past and one day I went home to get something before going to Demi's and my parents were fighting and drunk. I left and they chased after me and passed away in a drunk driving accident. I was originally going to stay with Demi but social services forced me to go live with my father. He pretty much banned me from seeing her when I needed her most and I relapsed" Hannah explains

"Relapsed from what?" The social worker asks

"Self harm. Demi was helping me stop and I had been a few days clean. I needed Demi and my birthday is next week so I asked for plane tickets to LA and when he said no several times I took it upon myself to come. I had enough to get me here and I really don't want to go back. My stepmom hates my guts and she and my dad always fight over me and something negative is said about me everyday. I just want to be in a safe and living home" Hannah explains and starts crying

"Hannah it's okay I promise like I said I'll fight to get you" I say

"But what if you can't" she replies

"I won't stop until I do" I say

She kept crying and I finally realized singing to her helps. I sang my love is like a star to her and she started calming down.

"Thanks Demi" she says

"No problem" I smile

"So you two are really close?" The social worker asks

"Yeah and Demi's other daughter Molly" Hannah says

"What does Molly think of you?" The social worker asks

"She loves me so much and she cried every night I was gone" Hannah says

"Wow um okay I'll set a court date and call you ASAP" the social worker says

"Thank you" I say

Hannah and I leave and max takes us home.

When we got there police were surrounding the door...

1.5k reads! That is AMAZING! Thanks so much(:

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