Night Before the Honeymoon

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Naya and Demi are married now! I love it. Demi's finally with someone who makes her happy and treats her right. Wilmer had seemed like an okay guy until he went and cheated on her. Lovatics went balistic. We hated seeing her with him but supported it because we want her happy. Joe, he was a dick. At least she's putting the past behind her. Naya is so nice and supports her and they're perfect for eachother.

The two are going on their honeymoon soon and I'm staying here with Molly. We have the option to go to diannas, Dallas', or marissas if we need to but I think we'll be okay here.


I'm so happy naya and I are finally married! The girls love her too which is important. For our honeymoon, Naya and I are going to Chichen Itza. It's this place in Mexico. We're packing now and leaving in the morning.

As we pack Molly comes in the room. I scoop her up into a hug.

"Mommy I don't want you to go" she tells me

"Aww baby I don't want to leave you but mommy and naya want some alone time but we'll be back in a couple days" I tell her

"You promise?" She says

"Of course" I say

I kiss her forehead and she runs off. Naya and I finish packing and I go downstairs to make dinner. Dice tacos are a family favorite that's what I made. I looked over at Hannah who's barely touched hers.

"Hannah are you okay?" I ask her

"Oh yeah I'm fine" she says

"Hannah" I say giving her a look

"I'll talk to you about it later" she says

I let it go for now and listened to Molly tell her story. Once we finished Molly and Hannah went upstairs and naya and I do the dishes.

"What do you think is up with Hannah?" I ask naya

"I don't know" she says

"Well I'd better go talk to her" I tell naya

I walk upstairs and see Hannah on her phone. I walk in and sit on her bed.

"We need to talk" I tell her

"If it's about earlier I'm fine" she tells me

"Come on you said you'd talk to me" I sigh

"Fine it's people on the internet" Hannah says

"Hannah you have to ignore them" I say

"I'm trying but it's hard" she frowns

"I know but remember anything negative they say is wrong" I tell her

"I'll try to surround myself around the positive people" she says

"Good idea" I smile

I leave the room to go find Molly and talk to her.

"Mommy look what I drew!" She says

"Aww baby it's beautiful" I tell her

She gives it to me and I go to hang it on the fridge. She follows me downstairs and I pick her up.

"Alright kiddo it's bath time" I tell her

"Aww" she pouts

I laugh at her and run bath water. Once the water is warm enough I help her get undressed and sit her in the tub. She hands me the vanilla scented shampoo and I squirt some in my hand to put in her hair. I scrub her hair and she's telling me about what she wants to do while were gone.

"Mommy am I done yet?" She asks

"Almost" I say

I just rinsed her conditioner and I'm pulling the plug. I grab a towel and she stands up. I wrap the towel around her and pull her out.

Molly rubs to her room and I follow. She hands me her camp rock pajamas and I laugh at her. I help her get dressed then brush out her hair.

"Alright baby girl it's bed time" I announce

Molly climbs in her bed and I kiss her goodnight. I turn off her light and shut the door on my way out. I go to check on Hannah and she's already asleep. I guess she's tired.

I go in my room to find naya in bed.

"I guess everyone's tired" I state

"How's Hannah?" Naya asks

"She's good now" I say

"Oh good" naya says

Naya and I didn't stay up and talk for long. We both fell asleep pretty quick. In the morning I wake up to Molly wedged between the two of us. I carefully get up and go downstairs. I got some coffee ready for naya and I then made bacon.

"I smell bacon!" Hannah announces as she walks downstairs

"Morning" I smile

"Morning Demi" she smiles

The two of us finish making breakfast and Molly and naya make their way downstairs. I set the table and put the food in the center. We make our plates and start eating. When we finish naya and I do the dishes then go upstairs to get ready for our trip. We shower and all that important stuff then say bye to the girls. Molly is really upset so hopefully she'll be okay. Hannah on the other hand is happy that we're getting time to ourselves.

This is short and I know it. I'm going to spread out the honeymoon and everything within the next few chapters but what I need to know is should there be drama with hannah and Molly while Demi and naya are gone?

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